danielvincent a rédigédanielvincent a rédigé
_stream_element.html.haml 1,14 Kio
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is
-# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
-# the COPYRIGHT file.
= person_image_link(post.person)
= link_to post.person.real_name, post.person
- if current_user.owns?(post)
- if post.public?
%li= t('the_world')
- else
- for aspect in current_user.aspects_with_post( post.id )
%li= link_to aspect.name, aspect
- if current_user.owns?(post)
= render 'shared/reshare', :current_user => current_user, :post => post if post.is_a? StatusMessage
= link_to t('delete'), object_path(post), :confirm => t('are_you_sure'), :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => "delete"
= render type_partial(post), :post => post
%span.time= link_to(how_long_ago(post), object_path(post))
= link_to "#{t('.show_comments')} (#{post.comments.count})", '#', :class => "show_post_comments"
= render "comments/comments", :post => post