Jonne Haß a rédigé
* Dropped all references to Resque * Moved all jobs under app/workers since that's the Sidekiq convention * Renamed Jobs module to Worker to match new location * Adapted all jobs to Sidekiq * Replaced all enqueue calls with perform_async * Dropped Resque hacks from specs and features, replaced with sidekig/testing in RSpec and sidekig/testing/inline in Cucumber * Updated scripts to start a Sidekiq server * Inline Sidekiq sinatra app * Let Sidekiq create the actual Redis instance * Workaround already initialized constant warnings in service models * Resolved ToDo in one job definition by creating proper exception clases for some errors in receiving posts * Added sidekiq section to configuration to make it completly configurable to the user * Add Sidekiq middleware for clean backtraces * Delay HttpMulti retry to give offline pods a chance to come back up * Do not retry on GUID already taken and alike errors * Be graceful about deleted posts in GatherOEmbedData
Jonne Haß a rédigé* Dropped all references to Resque * Moved all jobs under app/workers since that's the Sidekiq convention * Renamed Jobs module to Worker to match new location * Adapted all jobs to Sidekiq * Replaced all enqueue calls with perform_async * Dropped Resque hacks from specs and features, replaced with sidekig/testing in RSpec and sidekig/testing/inline in Cucumber * Updated scripts to start a Sidekiq server * Inline Sidekiq sinatra app * Let Sidekiq create the actual Redis instance * Workaround already initialized constant warnings in service models * Resolved ToDo in one job definition by creating proper exception clases for some errors in receiving posts * Added sidekiq section to configuration to make it completly configurable to the user * Add Sidekiq middleware for clean backtraces * Delay HttpMulti retry to give offline pods a chance to come back up * Do not retry on GUID already taken and alike errors * Be graceful about deleted posts in GatherOEmbedData
Rakefile 514 o
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is
# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
# the COPYRIGHT file.
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
require 'rake'
# for rake 0.9.0
module Diaspora
class Application
include Rake::DSL