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index.html.haml 1,63 Kio
-#   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
-#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
-#   the COPYRIGHT file.

- content_for :page_title do
  = t('.title')

- content_for :head do
  = javascript_include_tag :people

        = t('.title')

  = render 'shared/contact_sidebar'

      - if @aspect
          - if @contacts_size > 0 && @contacts_size < 20
            = start_a_conversation_link(@aspect, @contacts_size)
          = link_to edit_aspect_path(@aspect), rel: "facebox", class: "btn" do
            = t('aspects.edit.manage')
          = aspect_visibility_link(@aspect)
          = link_to @aspect, method: "delete", data: { confirm: t('aspects.edit.confirm_remove_aspect') }, class: 'btn delete' do
            = t('delete')

      - if @contacts_size > 0
        = render @contacts

        = will_paginate @contacts
      - else
            = t('.no_contacts')
            - if @aspect
              != t('.no_contacts_message_with_aspect',
                  :community_spotlight => link_to(t('.community_spotlight'), community_spotlight_path),
                  :add_to_aspect_link => link_to(t('.add_to_aspect_link', :name =>, edit_aspect_path(@aspect), :rel => "facebox"))
            - else
              != t('.no_contacts_message',
                   :community_spotlight => link_to(t('.community_spotlight'), community_spotlight_path))