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check AppConfig.mail.enable? before displaying some view content

closes #7190
parent c7a0b053
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Use string-direction gem for rtl detection [#7181](
* Reduce i18n.load side effects [#7184](
* Force jasmine fails on syntax errors [#7185](
* Don't display mail-related view content if it is disabled in the pod's config [#7190](
## Bug fixes
* Fix fetching comments after fetching likes [#7167](
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module SessionsHelper
def display_password_reset_link?
devise_mapping.recoverable? && controller_name != "passwords"
AppConfig.mail.enable? && devise_mapping.recoverable? && controller_name != "passwords"
def flash_class(name)
- if controller_name != 'sessions'
= link_to t('.sign_in'), new_session_path(resource_name)
- if AppConfig.settings.enable_registrations? && devise_mapping.registerable? && controller_name != 'registrations'
- if display_registration_link?
= link_to t('.sign_up'), new_registration_path(resource_name)
- else
%b= t('.sign_up_closed')
- if devise_mapping.recoverable? && controller_name != 'passwords'
- if display_password_reset_link?
= link_to t('.forgot_your_password'), new_password_path(resource_name)
- if devise_mapping.confirmable? && controller_name != 'confirmations'
= t('.paste_link')
= t(".paste_link")
= "(" + t(".codes_left", count: @invite_code.count) + ")" unless AppConfig.settings.enable_registrations?
= invite_link(@invite_code)
= form_tag new_user_invitation_path, class: 'form-horizontal' do
- if AppConfig.mail.enable?
= form_tag new_user_invitation_path, class: "form-horizontal" do
%label.col-sm-2.control-label{ for: 'email_inviter_emails' }
= t('email')
= text_field_tag 'email_inviter[emails]', @invalid_emails, title: t('.comma_separated_plz'),
placeholder: ',', class: "form-control"
= t("invitations.create.note_already_sent", emails: @valid_emails) unless @valid_emails.empty?
%label.col-sm-2.control-label{for: "email_inviter_emails"}
= t("email")
= text_field_tag "email_inviter[emails]", @invalid_emails, title: t(".comma_separated_plz"),
placeholder: ",", class: "form-control"
= t("invitations.create.note_already_sent", emails: @valid_emails) unless @valid_emails.empty?
%label.col-sm-2.control-label{ for: 'email_inviter_locale' }
= t('.language')
= select_tag 'email_inviter[locale]', options_from_collection_for_select(available_language_options,
"second", "first", selected: current_user.language), class: "form-control"
%label.col-sm-2.control-label{for: "email_inviter_locale"}
= t(".language")
= select_tag "email_inviter[locale]", options_from_collection_for_select(available_language_options,
"second", "first", selected: current_user.language), class: "form-control"
= submit_tag t('.send_an_invitation'), class: 'btn btn-primary pull-right',
data: {disable_with: t('.sending_invitation')}
= submit_tag t(".send_an_invitation"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right",
data: {disable_with: t(".sending_invitation")}
= t(".share_this")
= invite_link(current_user.invitation_code)
.invitations-link.btn.btn-link#invitations-button{"data-toggle" => "modal"}
= t(".by_email")
- if AppConfig.mail.enable?
.invitations-link.btn.btn-link#invitations-button{"data-toggle" => "modal"}
= t(".by_email")
- content_for :after_content do
= render "shared/modal",
......@@ -117,58 +117,59 @@
= render partial: "post_default"
= t(".receive_email_notifications")
= form_for "user", url: edit_user_path, html: {method: :put} do |f|
= f.fields_for :email_preferences do |type|
- if current_user.admin?
= type.label :someone_reported, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :someone_reported, {checked: @email_prefs["someone_reported"]}, false, true
= t(".someone_reported")
= type.label :started_sharing, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :started_sharing, {checked: @email_prefs["started_sharing"]}, false, true
= t(".started_sharing")
= type.label :mentioned, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :mentioned, {checked: @email_prefs["mentioned"]}, false, true
= t(".mentioned")
= type.label :liked, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :liked, {checked: @email_prefs["liked"]}, false, true
= t(".liked")
= type.label :reshared, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :reshared, {checked: @email_prefs["reshared"]}, false, true
= t(".reshared")
= type.label :comment_on_post, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :comment_on_post, {checked: @email_prefs["comment_on_post"]}, false, true
= t(".comment_on_post")
= type.label :also_commented, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :also_commented, {checked: @email_prefs["also_commented"]}, false, true
= t(".also_commented")
= type.label :private_message, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :private_message, {checked: @email_prefs["private_message"]}, false, true
= t(".private_message")
- if AppConfig.mail.enable?
= t(".receive_email_notifications")
= form_for "user", url: edit_user_path, html: {method: :put} do |f|
= f.fields_for :email_preferences do |type|
- if current_user.admin?
= type.label :someone_reported, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :someone_reported, {checked: @email_prefs["someone_reported"]}, false, true
= t(".someone_reported")
= type.label :started_sharing, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :started_sharing, {checked: @email_prefs["started_sharing"]}, false, true
= t(".started_sharing")
= type.label :mentioned, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :mentioned, {checked: @email_prefs["mentioned"]}, false, true
= t(".mentioned")
= type.label :liked, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :liked, {checked: @email_prefs["liked"]}, false, true
= t(".liked")
= type.label :reshared, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :reshared, {checked: @email_prefs["reshared"]}, false, true
= t(".reshared")
= type.label :comment_on_post, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :comment_on_post, {checked: @email_prefs["comment_on_post"]}, false, true
= t(".comment_on_post")
= type.label :also_commented, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :also_commented, {checked: @email_prefs["also_commented"]}, false, true
= t(".also_commented")
= type.label :private_message, class: "checkbox-inline" do
= type.check_box :private_message, {checked: @email_prefs["private_message"]}, false, true
= t(".private_message")
.clearfix= f.submit t(".change"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right", id: "change_email_preferences"
.clearfix= f.submit t(".change"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right", id: "change_email_preferences"
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