photo show links to original post and siblings. status message shows all...
photo show links to original post and siblings. status message shows all photos associated with it. youtube player makes http/s call instead of just http.
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Affichage de
- app/controllers/photos_controller.rb 3 ajouts, 2 suppressionsapp/controllers/photos_controller.rb
- app/views/photos/show.html.haml 14 ajouts, 0 suppressionapp/views/photos/show.html.haml
- app/views/status_messages/show.html.haml 6 ajouts, 2 suppressionsapp/views/status_messages/show.html.haml
- public/javascripts/view.js 1 ajout, 1 suppressionpublic/javascripts/view.js
- public/stylesheets/sass/application.sass 26 ajouts, 6 suppressionspublic/stylesheets/sass/application.sass
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