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Valider 0c392a0c rédigé par danielvincent's avatar danielvincent
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moved nav to bottom header

parent d1630b6c
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
welcome home, daniel.
this is your diaspora dashboard, a place where you can catch a
= link_to "glimpse", "#"
of what all your friends are doing.
/welcome home, daniel.
/this is your diaspora dashboard, a place where you can catch a
/= link_to "glimpse", "#"
/of what all your friends are doing.
%div{ :style => "padding: 1em" }
daniel grippi
%img{:src=>"/images/bp.jpeg", :id => "profile_image"}
recent activity
%div.big_number= link_to "30", "#"
new requests
/- form_for 'StatusMessage' do |f|
/= f.text_field :thought
%div{ :style => "padding: 1em" }
- for post in @posts
= render "status_messages/pane", :post => post
/- form_for 'update' do |f|
/= f.text_field :thought
- for post in @posts
= render "status_messages/pane", :post => post
%div.big_number= link_to "30", "#"
new requests
......@@ -20,21 +20,22 @@
#huge_star *
%a#diaspora_text{:href => root_path}
/%img{:src => '/images/diaspora_white.png'}
%li= link_to "home", root_path
%li= link_to "users", users_path
%li= link_to "status messages", status_messages_path
%li= link_to "friends", friends_path
%li= link_to "bookmarks", bookmarks_path
%li= link_to "blogs", blogs_path
- if user_signed_in?
= link_to "log out", destroy_user_session_path
= link_to, destroy_user_session_path
- else
= link_to "login", new_user_session_path
daniel grippi posted a new update
let's take this into overdrive.
%li= link_to "home", root_path
%li= link_to "friends", friends_path
- if show_title?
%sp.from= post.owner
= post.message
%img{:src => "/images/mocks/user_pic.jpeg", :height => "35px", :class => "avatar"}
%sp.from= post.owner
= post.message
%sp.time= "#{time_ago_in_words(post.updated_at)} ago"

261 ko


6,48 ko

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......@@ -105,33 +114,37 @@ ul#stream {
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