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Fix: Use Capybara#fill_in for appending to publisher
Capybara's native#send_key function is slow when it is passed a string longer than just a few characters. This often results in timeout issues and Capybara (falsely) reporting feature as failing. To fix this, we use the faster function #fill_in. This does not trigger JavaScript events on the input, so we manually trigger them after fill_in by just sending a single key. This can be any key but since we do not want to modify the text in the input, non-text keys should be used. For a list of non-text keys, see http://www.rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/Capybara%2FNode%2FElement%3Asend_keys There is an alternative to the above: 1) Use #fill_in to enter all text except for the last character: fill_in ..., with: "#{status_message_text} #{txt[0..-2]}" 2) And then use #send_key to send that last character: find("#status_message_text").native.send_key(txt.last) At the moment, both approaches work equally well but the second approach is documented here just in case it becomes relevant in the future.
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