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Valider 352be4d0 rédigé par Ilya Zhitomirskiy's avatar Ilya Zhitomirskiy
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added the have support section and reworded the donation section to be clearer

parent 41abb579
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -55,3 +55,23 @@
= t('aspects.index.keep_us_running', :pod => URI.parse(AppConfig[:pod_url]).host)
= render 'shared/donate'
= image_tag('/images/icons/question.png')
= t('')
= t('')
!= t('', :link => link_to("Diasporial" , ""))
= t('')
!= t('', :link => link_to("#question" , tag_path(:name => "question")))
!= t('', :link => link_to("#bug" , tag_path(:name => "bug")))
!= t('', :link => link_to("#feature" , tag_path(:name => "feature")))
!= t('', :link => link_to("GetSatisfaction", ""))
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ en:
friends: "Friends"
donate: "Donate"
keep_us_running: "Keep %{pod} running fast, buy our servers their monthly coffee fix!"
keep_us_running: "Keep %{pod} running fast and buy servers their coffee fix with a monthly donation!"
your_aspects: "Your Aspects"
tags_following: "Followed Tags"
no_tags: "+ Find a tag to follow"
......@@ -165,6 +165,15 @@ en:
no_contacts: "No contacts"
post_a_message: "post a message >>"
people_sharing_with_you: "People sharing with you"
need_help: "Need Help?"
here_to_help: "Diaspora community is here to help!"
tutorials: "For tutotials check out %{link}"
did_you: "Did you:"
have_a_question: "... have a %{link}?"
find_a_bug: "... find a %{link}?"
feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
more_support: "For more support, you should also check out, %{link}"
heading: "Connect to"
explanation: " is the first Diaspora application under development."

479 octets

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