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Added cucumber tests for oEmbed feature

parent f3ea8f42
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -11,21 +11,28 @@ module Jobs
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
def isHttp?(url)
URI.parse(url).scheme.downcase == 'http'
def autolink(link, type)
return link if OEmbedCache.exists?(:url => link)
url = auto_link(link, :link => :urls).scan(/href=["']?((?:.(?!["']?\s+(?:\S+)=|[>"']))+.)["']?/).first.first
url = CGI::unescapeHTML(url)
return url if OEmbedCache.exists?(:url => url) or not isHttp?(url)
res = ::OEmbed::Providers.get(link, {:maxwidth => 420, :maxheight => 420, :frame => 1, :iframe => 1})
res = ::OEmbed::Providers.get(url, {:maxwidth => 420, :maxheight => 420, :frame => 1, :iframe => 1})
rescue Exception => e
# noop
data = res.fields
data['trusted_endpoint_url'] = res.provider.endpoint
cache = => link, :data => data)
cache = => url, :data => data)
return link
return url
Feature: oembed
In order to make videos easy accessible
As a user
I want the links in my posts be replaced by their oEmbed representation
Given a user named "Alice Smith" with email "alice@alice.alice"
And I have several oEmbed data in cache
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on the home page
Scenario: Post a secure video link
Given I expand the publisher
When I fill in "status_message_fake_text" with ""
And I press "Share"
And I follow "Your Aspects"
Then I should see a video player
Scenario: Post an unsecure video link
Given I expand the publisher
When I fill in "status_message_fake_text" with ""
And I press "Share"
And I follow "Your Aspects"
Then I should not see a video player
And I should see ""
Scenario: Post an unsecure rich-typed link
Given I expand the publisher
When I fill in "status_message_fake_text" with ""
And I press "Share"
And I follow "Your Aspects"
Then I should not see a video player
And I should see ""
Scenario: Post a photo link
Given I expand the publisher
When I fill in "status_message_fake_text" with ""
And I press "Share"
And I follow "Your Aspects"
Then I should see a "img" within ".stream_element"
Scenario: Post an unsupported text link
Given I expand the publisher
When I fill in "status_message_fake_text" with ""
And I press "Share"
And I follow "Your Aspects"
Then I should see "" within ".stream_element"
Given /^I have several oEmbed data in cache$/ do
scenarios = {
"photo" => {
"oembed_data" => {
"trusted_endpoint_url" => "__!SPOOFED!__",
"version" => "1.0",
"type" => "photo",
"title" => "ZB8T0193",
"width" => "240",
"height" => "160",
"url" => ""
"link_url" => '',
"oembed_get_request" => "",
"unsupported" => {
"oembed_data" => {},
"oembed_get_request" => '',
"link_url" => '',
"discovery_data" => 'no LINK tag!',
"secure_video" => {
"oembed_data" => {
"version" => "1.0",
"type" => "video",
"width" => 425,
"height" => 344,
"title" => "Amazing Nintendo Facts",
"html" => "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
<param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param>
<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
<embed src=\"\"
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>
"link_url" => "",
"oembed_get_request" => "",
"unsecure_video" => {
"oembed_data" => {
"version" => "1.0",
"type" => "video",
"title" => "This is a video from an unsecure source",
"html" => "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
<param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param>
<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
<embed src=\"\"
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>
"link_url" => "",
"discovery_data" => '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="" />',
"oembed_get_request" => "",
"secure_rich" => {
"oembed_data" => {
"version" => "1.0",
"type" => "rich",
"width" => 425,
"height" => 344,
"title" => "Amazing Nintendo Facts",
"html" => "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
<param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param>
<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
<embed src=\"\"
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>
"link_url" => "",
"oembed_get_request" => "",
"unsecure_rich" => {
"oembed_data" => {
"version" => "1.0",
"type" => "rich",
"title" => "This is a video from an unsecure source",
"html" => "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
<param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param>
<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
<embed src=\"\"
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>
"link_url" => "",
"discovery_data" => '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="" />',
"oembed_get_request" => "",
scenarios.each do |type, data|
unless type=='unsupported'
url = data['oembed_get_request'].split('?')[0]
store_data = data['oembed_data'].merge('trusted_endpoint_url' => url) => data['link_url'], :data => store_data.to_json);
Then /^I should see a video player$/ do
Then /^I should not see a video player$/ do
......@@ -162,8 +162,9 @@ describe MarkdownifyHelper do
scenarios.each do |type, data|
specify 'for type "'+type+'"' do
stub_request(:get, data['oembed_get_request']).to_return(:status => 200, :body => data['oembed_data'].to_json.to_s)
url =
stub_request(:get, data['link_url']).to_return(:status => 200, :body => data['discovery_data']) if data.has_key?('discovery_data')
stub_request(:get, data['oembed_get_request']).to_return(:status => 200, :body => data['oembed_data'].to_json.to_s)
message = "Look at this! "+data['link_url']
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