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Valider 37bf5c5a rédigé par Dennis Collinson's avatar Dennis Collinson
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parent 7a5841a1
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ gem 'rack-cors', '~> 0.2.4', :require => 'rack/cors'
gem 'devise', '1.5.3'
gem 'jwt'
gem 'oauth2-provider', '0.0.19'
gem 'remotipart', '~> 1.0'
gem 'omniauth', '1.0.1'
gem 'omniauth-facebook'
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ GEM
fixture_builder (0.3.1)
activerecord (>= 2)
activesupport (>= 2)
fog (1.2.0)
fog (1.3.0)
excon (~> 0.12.0)
formatador (~> 0.2.0)
......@@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ GEM
redis (2.2.2)
redis-namespace (1.0.3)
redis (< 3.0.0)
remotipart (1.0.2)
resque (1.20.0)
multi_json (~> 1.0)
redis-namespace (~> 1.0.2)
......@@ -513,6 +514,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
redcarpet (= 2.0.1)
remotipart (~> 1.0)
resque (= 1.20.0)
resque-timeout (= 1.0.0)
rest-client (= 1.6.7)
......@@ -41,21 +41,23 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def create
raise unless params[:photo][:aspect_ids]
if params[:photo][:aspect_ids] == "all"
params[:photo][:aspect_ids] = current_user.aspects.collect{|x|}
elsif params[:photo][:aspect_ids].is_a?(Hash)
params[:photo][:aspect_ids] = params[:photo][:aspect_ids].values
rescuing_photo_errors do |p|
if remotipart_submitted?
@photo = current_user.build_post(:photo, params[:photo])
raise "not remotipart" unless params[:photo][:aspect_ids]
params[:photo][:user_file] = file_handler(params)
if params[:photo][:aspect_ids] == "all"
params[:photo][:aspect_ids] = current_user.aspects.collect { |x| }
elsif params[:photo][:aspect_ids].is_a?(Hash)
params[:photo][:aspect_ids] = params[:photo][:aspect_ids].values
@photo = current_user.build_post(:photo, params[:photo])
params[:photo][:user_file] = file_handler(params)
@photo = current_user.build_post(:photo, params[:photo])
aspects = current_user.aspects_from_ids(params[:photo][:aspect_ids])
unless @photo.pending
......@@ -65,11 +67,14 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
if params[:photo][:set_profile_photo]
profile_params = {:image_url => @photo.url(:thumb_large),
:image_url_medium => @photo.url(:thumb_medium),
:image_url_small => @photo.url(:thumb_small)}
:image_url_medium => @photo.url(:thumb_medium),
:image_url_small => @photo.url(:thumb_small)}
respond_to do |format|
format.json{ render(:layout => false , :json => {"success" => true, "data" => @photo}.to_json )}
format.html{ render(:layout => false , :json => {"success" => true, "data" => @photo}.to_json )}
......@@ -77,19 +82,6 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
rescue TypeError
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.type_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
rescue CarrierWave::IntegrityError
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.integrity_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
rescue RuntimeError => e
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.runtime_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
raise e
......@@ -200,4 +192,23 @@ class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def rescuing_photo_errors
rescue TypeError
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.type_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
rescue CarrierWave::IntegrityError
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.integrity_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
rescue RuntimeError => e
message = I18n.t 'photos.create.runtime_error'
respond_with @photo, :location => photos_path, :error => message
raise e
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
def new
render :text => "", :layout => true
def show
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
format.xml{ render :xml => @post.to_diaspora_xml }{render 'posts/'}
format.json{ render :json =>, current_user).to_json }
format.any{render 'posts/show.html.haml'}
format.any{render 'posts/show.html.haml'}
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController
receiving_services = Service.titles(services)
current_user.dispatch_post(@status_message, :url => short_post_url(@status_message.guid), :service_types => receiving_services)
#this is done implicitly, somewhere else, apparently, says max. :'(
# do |photo|
# current_user.dispatch_post(photo)
# end
......@@ -83,4 +83,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
= form_for, :html => { :multipart => true }, :remote => true do |f|
= f.label :user_file
= f.file_field :user_file
= f.submit
$('#new_photo').bind('ajax:success', function(event, data) {
alert("happy day")
console.log(new Backbone.Model(data)); // Your newly created Backbone.js model
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ javascripts:
- public/javascripts/vendor/timeago.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/facebox.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/underscore.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.iframe-transport.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.remotipart.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/
- public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.elastic.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/jquery.mentionsInput.js
Ce diff est replié.
// This [jQuery]( plugin implements an `<iframe>`
// [transport]( so that
// `$.ajax()` calls support the uploading of files using standard HTML file
// input fields. This is done by switching the exchange from `XMLHttpRequest` to
// a hidden `iframe` element containing a form that is submitted.
// The [source for the plugin](
// is available on [Github]( and dual licensed under the MIT
// or GPL Version 2 licenses.
// ## Usage
// To use this plugin, you simply add a `iframe` option with the value `true`
// to the Ajax settings an `$.ajax()` call, and specify the file fields to
// include in the submssion using the `files` option, which can be a selector,
// jQuery object, or a list of DOM elements containing one or more
// `<input type="file">` elements:
// $("#myform").submit(function() {
// $.ajax(this.action, {
// files: $(":file", this),
// iframe: true
// }).complete(function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
// });
// The plugin will construct a hidden `<iframe>` element containing a copy of
// the form the file field belongs to, will disable any form fields not
// explicitly included, submit that form, and process the response.
// If you want to include other form fields in the form submission, include them
// in the `data` option, and set the `processData` option to `false`:
// $("#myform").submit(function() {
// $.ajax(this.action, {
// data: $(":text", this).serializeArray(),
// files: $(":file", this),
// iframe: true,
// processData: false
// }).complete(function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
// });
// ### The Server Side
// If the response is not HTML or XML, you (unfortunately) need to apply some
// trickery on the server side. To send back a JSON payload, send back an HTML
// `<textarea>` element with a `data-type` attribute that contains the MIME
// type, and put the actual payload in the textarea:
// <textarea data-type="application/json">
// {"ok": true, "message": "Thanks so much"}
// </textarea>
// The iframe transport plugin will detect this and attempt to apply the same
// conversions that jQuery applies to regular responses. That means for the
// example above you should get a Javascript object as the `data` parameter of
// the `complete` callback, with the properties `ok: true` and
// `message: "Thanks so much"`.
// ### Compatibility
// This plugin has primarily been tested on Safari 5, Firefox 4, and Internet
// Explorer all the way back to version 6. While I haven't found any issues with
// it so far, I'm fairly sure it still doesn't work around all the quirks in all
// different browsers. But the code is still pretty simple overall, so you
// should be able to fix it and contribute a patch :)
// ## Annotated Source
(function($, undefined) {
// Register a prefilter that checks whether the `iframe` option is set, and
// switches to the iframe transport if it is `true`.
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, origOptions, jqXHR) {
if (options.iframe) {
return "iframe";
// Register an iframe transport, independent of requested data type. It will
// only activate when the "files" option has been set to a non-empty list of
// enabled file inputs.
$.ajaxTransport("iframe", function(options, origOptions, jqXHR) {
var form = null,
iframe = null,
origAction = null,
origTarget = null,
origEnctype = null,
addedFields = [],
disabledFields = [],
files = $(options.files).filter(":file:enabled");
// This function gets called after a successful submission or an abortion
// and should revert all changes made to the page to enable the
// submission via this transport.
function cleanUp() {
$(addedFields).each(function() {
$(disabledFields).each(function() {
this.disabled = false;
form.attr("action", origAction || "")
.attr("target", origTarget || "")
.attr("enctype", origEnctype || "");
iframe.attr("src", "javascript:false;").remove();
// Remove "iframe" from the data types list so that further processing is
// based on the content type returned by the server, without attempting an
// (unsupported) conversion from "iframe" to the actual type.
if (files.length) {
// Determine the form the file fields belong to, and make sure they all
// actually belong to the same form.
files.each(function() {
if (form !== null && this.form !== form) {
jQuery.error("All file fields must belong to the same form");
form = this.form;
form = $(form);
// Store the original form attributes that we'll be replacing temporarily.
origAction = form.attr("action");
origTarget = form.attr("target");
origEnctype = form.attr("enctype");
// We need to disable all other inputs in the form so that they don't get
// included in the submitted data unexpectedly.
form.find(":input:not(:submit)").each(function() {
if (!this.disabled && (this.type != "file" || files.index(this) < 0)) {
this.disabled = true;
// If there is any additional data specified via the `data` option,
// we add it as hidden fields to the form. This (currently) requires
// the `processData` option to be set to false so that the data doesn't
// get serialized to a string.
if (typeof( === "string" && > 0) {
jQuery.error("data must not be serialized");
$.each( || {}, function(name, value) {
if ($.isPlainObject(value)) {
name =;
value = value.value;
addedFields.push($("<input type='hidden'>").attr("name", name)
.attr("value", value).appendTo(form));
// Add a hidden `X-Requested-With` field with the value `IFrame` to the
// field, to help server-side code to determine that the upload happened
// through this transport.
addedFields.push($("<input type='hidden' name='X-Requested-With'>")
.attr("value", "IFrame").appendTo(form));
// Borrowed straight from the JQuery source
// Provides a way of specifying the accepted data type similar to HTTP_ACCEPTS
accepts = options.dataTypes[ 0 ] && options.accepts[ options.dataTypes[0] ] ?
options.accepts[ options.dataTypes[0] ] + ( options.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", */*; q=0.01" : "" ) :
options.accepts[ "*" ]
addedFields.push($("<input type='hidden' name='X-Http-Accept'>")
.attr("value", accepts).appendTo(form));
return {
// The `send` function is called by jQuery when the request should be
// sent.
send: function(headers, completeCallback) {
iframe = $("<iframe src='javascript:false;' name='iframe-" + $.now()
+ "' style='display:none'></iframe>");
// The first load event gets fired after the iframe has been injected
// into the DOM, and is used to prepare the actual submission.
iframe.bind("load", function() {
// The second load event gets fired when the response to the form
// submission is received. The implementation detects whether the
// actual payload is embedded in a `<textarea>` element, and
// prepares the required conversions to be made in that case.
iframe.unbind("load").bind("load", function() {
var doc = this.contentWindow ? this.contentWindow.document :
(this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.document),
root = doc.documentElement ? doc.documentElement : doc.body,
textarea = root.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0],
type = textarea ? textarea.getAttribute("data-type") : null;
var status = textarea ? parseInt(textarea.getAttribute("response-code")) : 200,
statusText = "OK",
responses = { text: type ? textarea.value : root ? root.innerHTML : null },
headers = "Content-Type: " + (type || "text/html")
completeCallback(status, statusText, responses, headers);
setTimeout(cleanUp, 50);
// Now that the load handler has been set up, reconfigure and
// submit the form.
form.attr("action", options.url)
.attr("target", iframe.attr("name"))
.attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data")
// After everything has been set up correctly, the iframe gets
// injected into the DOM so that the submission can be initiated.
// The `abort` function is called by jQuery when the request should be
// aborted.
abort: function() {
if (iframe !== null) {
iframe.unbind("load").attr("src", "javascript:false;");
//= require jquery.iframe-transport.js
//= require_self
(function($) {
var remotipart;
$.remotipart = remotipart = {
setup: function(form) {
// Allow setup part of $.rails.handleRemote to setup remote settings before canceling default remote handler
// This is required in order to change the remote settings using the form details
.one('ajax:beforeSend.remotipart', function(e, xhr, settings){
// Delete the beforeSend bindings, since we're about to re-submit via ajaxSubmit with the beforeSubmit
// hook that was just setup and triggered via the default `$.rails.handleRemote`
// delete settings.beforeSend;
delete settings.beforeSend;
settings.iframe = true;
settings.files = $($.rails.fileInputSelector, form); = form.serializeArray();
settings.processData = false;
// Modify some settings to integrate JS request with rails helpers and middleware
if (settings.dataType === undefined) { settings.dataType = 'script *'; }{name: 'remotipart_submitted', value: true});
// Allow remotipartSubmit to be cancelled if needed
if ($, 'ajax:remotipartSubmit', [xhr, settings])) {
// Second verse, same as the first
//Run cleanup
// Cancel the jQuery UJS request
return false;
// Keep track that we just set this particular form with Remotipart bindings
// Note: The `true` value will get over-written with the `settings.dataType` from the `ajax:beforeSend` handler
.data('remotipartSubmitted', true);
teardown: function(form) {
$('form').live('ajax:aborted:file', function(){
var form = $(this);
// If browser does not support submit bubbling, then this live-binding will be called before direct
// bindings. Therefore, we should directly call any direct bindings before remotely submitting form.
if (!$.support.submitBubbles && $().jquery < '1.7' && $.rails.callFormSubmitBindings(form) === false) return $.rails.stopEverything(e);
// Manually call jquery-ujs remote call so that it can setup form and settings as usual,
// and trigger the `ajax:beforeSend` callback to which remotipart binds functionality.
return false;
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