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Add menu mobile and drawer navigation tests

parent f9e9a052
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Feature: Naviguate between pages using the header menu and the drawer
As a user
I want to be able naviguate between the pages of the mobile version
Given following users exist:
| username | email |
| Bob Jones | bob@bob.bob |
| Alice Smith | alice@alice.alice |
And I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And a user with email "bob@bob.bob" is connected with "alice@alice.alice"
And I search for "#boss"
And I press "Follow #boss"
And I toggle the mobile view
Scenario: naviguate to the stream page
When I open the drawer
And I follow "My Activity"
And I click on selector "#header_title"
Then I should see "There are no posts yet." within "#main_stream"
Scenario: naviguate to the notification page
When I click on selector "#notification_badge"
Then I should see "Notifications" within "#main"
Scenario: naviguate to the conversation page
When I click on selector "#conversations_badge"
Then I should see "Inbox" within "#main"
Scenario: naviguate to the publisher page
When I click on selector "#compose_badge"
Then I should see "All Aspects" within "#new_status_message"
Scenario: search a user
When I open the drawer
And I search for "Bob"
Then I should see "Users matching Bob" within "#search_title"
Scenario: search for a tag
When I open the drawer
And I search for "#bob"
Then I should see "#bob" within "#main > h1"
Scenario: naviguate to my activity page
When I open the drawer
And I follow "My Activity"
Then I should see "My Activity" within "#main"
Scenario: naviguate to my mentions page
Given Alice has a post mentioning Bob
And I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
When I open the drawer
And I follow "@Mentions"
Then I should see "Bob Jones" within ".stream_element"
Scenario: naviguate to my aspects page
Given "bob@bob.bob" has a public post with text "bob's text"
When I open the drawer
And I follow "My Aspects"
Then I should see "Besties" within "#all_aspects + li > ul"
And I follow "Besties"
Then I should see "bob's text" within "#main_stream"
Scenario: naviguate to the followed tags page
Given "bob@bob.bob" has a public post with text "bob is da #boss"
When I open the drawer
And I follow "#Followed Tags"
Then I should see "#boss" within "#followed_tags + li > ul"
And I follow "#boss"
Then I should see "bob is da #boss" within "#main_stream"
Scenario: naviguate to my profile page
When I open the drawer
And I follow "Profile"
Then I should see "Alice" within "#author_info"
Scenario: naviguate to my mentions page
When I open the drawer
And I follow "Contacts"
Then I should see "Contacts" within "#main"
Scenario: naviguate to my mentions page
When I open the drawer
And I follow "Settings"
Then I should see "Settings" within "#main"
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ end
When /^I search for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |search_term|
fill_in "q", :with => search_term
find("#tags_show .span3")
Then /^the "([^"]*)" field(?: within "([^"]*)")? should be filled with "([^"]*)"$/ do |field, selector, value|
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe TagsHelper, :type => :helper do
it 'returns a link to the tag otherwise' do
allow(helper).to receive(:search_query).and_return('foo')
expect(helper.looking_for_tag_link).to include(helper.tag_link)
expect(helper.looking_for_tag_link).to include(helper.tag_link('foo'))
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