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Fix pagination in AppsController

parent 0790c339
Aucune branche associée trouvée
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......@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ class AppsController < ApplicationController
@app = 'cubbies'
@posts = ActivityStreams::Photo
max_time = params[:max_time] ?[:max_time].to_i) :
@posts = @posts.where(ActivityStreams::Photo.arel_table[:created_at].lt(max_time)).where(:public => true).order('posts.created_at DESC').limit(15).includes(:author)
@posts = @posts.where(ActivityStreams::Photo.arel_table[:created_at].lt(max_time)
).where(:public => true
).order('posts.created_at DESC'
).includes(:author => :profile).limit(30)
@commenting_disabled = true
@people = []
@people_count = 0
......@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
= "#{@app}"
- if @posts.length > 0
- for post in @posts
= link_to(image_tag(post.image_url), object_path(post))
- for post in @posts
= link_to(image_tag(post.image_url), object_path(post))
.time{:integer => post.created_at.to_i}
=link_to(t('more'), next_page_path, :class => 'paginate')
......@@ -2928,7 +2928,9 @@ h1.tag
:width 98%
:border none
:padding 20px
:height 170px
:width 170px
......@@ -103,10 +103,11 @@ end
Factory.define(:activity_streams_photo, :class => ActivityStreams::Photo) do |p|
p.association(:author, :factory => :person)
p.image_url ""
p.image_height 9001
p.image_width 4
p.image_height 900
p.image_width 400
p.object_url ""
p.objectId ""
p.actor_url ""
p.provider_display_name "not cubbies"
p.public true
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