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Refactor disconnecting feature - rename and remove redundant scenario that wasn't being run anyway

parent fa54b1dc
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Feature: disconnecting users
In order to help users feel secure on Diaspora
As a User
I want to be able to disconnect from others
Feature: Unfollowing
In order to stop seeing updates from self-important rockstars
As a user
I want to be able to stop following people
Given a user with email "bob@bob.bob"
And a user with email "alice@alice.alice"
When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I add the person to my 1st aspect
Scenario: remove non-mutual contact from the contact show page
When I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
Scenario: stop following someone while on their profile page
When I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I remove the person from my 1st aspect
And I am on the home page
......@@ -26,36 +25,21 @@ Feature: disconnecting users
Then I should not see "is sharing with you."
Scenario Outline: remove a non-mutual contact from the last aspect on the contact show page
When I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I remove the person from my 1st aspect
When I follow "My Contacts"
Then I should have 0 contacts in "Besties"
Then I go to the destroy user session page
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "bob@bob.bob"'s page
Then I should not see "is sharing with you."
Scenario: remove a non-mutual contact from the aspect edit page
Scenario: stop following someone while on the aspect edit page
When I go to the home page
And I follow "Contacts"
And I follow "Besties"
And I follow "Edit Besties"
And I follow "Contacts"
And I follow "Besties"
And I follow "Edit Besties"
And I wait for the ajax to finish
And I wait for the ajax to finish
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I press the first ".added" within "#facebox .contact_list ul > li:first-child"
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I press the first ".added" within "#facebox .contact_list ul > li:first-child"
And I wait for the ajax to finish
And I wait for the ajax to finish
When I follow "My Contacts"
Then I should have 0 contacts in "Besties"
Then I go to the destroy user session page
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "bob@bob.bob"'s page
Then I should have 0 contacts in "Besties"
Then I should not see "is sharing with you."
When I go to the destroy user session page
And I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "bob@bob.bob"'s page
Then I should not see "is sharing with you."
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