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Valider 9842841c rédigé par Jonne Haß's avatar Jonne Haß
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Merge branch 'stable' into develop

parents 5020ac45 34319758
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......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Feature: posting from the main page
Scenario: posting a message appends it to the top of the stream
When I click the publisher and post "sup dog"
And I click the publisher and post "hello there"
Then I should see "hello there" as the first post in my stream
Then "hello there" should be post 1
Scenario: post a text-only message to just one aspect
When I select only "PostingTo" aspect
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Feature: posting from the main page
When I am on the aspects page
And I select all aspects
And I select only "PostingTo" aspect
Then I should see "I am eating a yogurt"
Then "I am eating a yogurt" should be post 1
When I am on the aspects page
And I select all aspects
......@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ Feature: posting from the main page
And the publisher should be expanded
And I close the publisher
Scenario: hide a contact's post
Given I expand the publisher
When I write the status message "Here is a post for you to hide"
......@@ -137,8 +136,7 @@ Feature: posting from the main page
And I am on "bob@bob.bob"'s page
And I hover over the ".stream_element"
And I click to delete the first post
And I confirm the alert
And I click to hide the first post
And I go to "bob@bob.bob"'s page
Then I should not see "Here is a post for you to hide"
When I am on the aspects page
......@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ Feature: posting from the main page
And I am on the aspects page
And I select only "PostingTo" aspect
Then I should see "I am eating a yogurt"
Then "I am eating a yogurt" should be post 1
When I am on the aspects page
And I select all aspects
And I select only "NotPostingThingsHere" aspect
......@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Feature: posting from own profile page
And I press "Share"
Then I should see "I want to understand people"
Then "I want to understand people" should be post 1
When I go to the home page
Then I should see "I want to understand people"
Then "I want to understand people" should be post 1
When I am on the aspects page
And I select only "Family" aspect
Then I should see "I want to understand people"
Then "I want to understand people" should be post 1
When I select all aspects
And I select only "Work" aspect
......@@ -95,11 +95,24 @@ When /^I prepare the deletion of the first post$/ do
When /^I prepare hiding the first post$/ do
within(find(".stream .stream_element", match: :first)) do
ctrl = find(".control-icons")
When /^I click to delete the first post$/ do
step "I prepare the deletion of the first post"
step "I confirm the alert"
When /^I click to hide the first post$/ do
step "I prepare hiding the first post"
step "I confirm the alert"
When /^I click to delete the first comment$/ do
within("div.comment", match: :first) do
find(".comment_delete", visible: false).click
......@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ When /^I expand the post$/ do
Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" as the first post in my stream$/ do |text|
first_post_text.should include(text)
When /^I click the publisher and post "([^"]*)"$/ do |text|
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