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Valider 99d4e0b3 rédigé par Jonne Haß's avatar Jonne Haß
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Merge branch 'stable' into develop

parents d9572ec3 69b46df3
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......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ With the port to Bootstrap 3, app/views/terms/default.haml has a new structure.
## Bug fixes
* Redirect to sign in page when a background request fails with 401 [#6496](
* Correctly skip setting sidekiq logfile on Heroku [#6500](
* Fix notifications for interactions by non-contacts [#6498](
## Features
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
def initialize(person, target, text)
@text = text
@dispatcher_opts = {additional_subscribers: target.comments_authors.where.not(id:}
super(person, target)
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Feature: Notifications
| email |
| bob@bob.bob |
| alice@alice.alice |
| carol@carol.carol |
Scenario: someone shares with me
When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
......@@ -67,6 +68,80 @@ Feature: Notifications
Then I should see "commented on your post"
And I should have 1 email delivery
Scenario: unconnected user comments in reply to comment by another user who commented a post of someone who she shares with
Given "alice@alice.alice" has a public post with text "check this out!"
When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great post, alice! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "carol@carol.carol"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great comment, bob! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment:nth-child(2)"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I follow "Notifications" in the header
Then the notification dropdown should be visible
And I should see "also commented on"
And I should have 3 email delivery
Scenario: unconnected user comments in reply to my comment to her post
Given "alice@alice.alice" has a public post with text "check this out!"
When I sign in as "carol@carol.carol"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great post, alice! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great post, carol! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment:nth-child(2)"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "carol@carol.carol"
And I follow "Notifications" in the header
Then the notification dropdown should be visible
And I should see "also commented on"
And I should have 2 email delivery
Scenario: connected user comments in reply to my comment to an unconnected user's post
Given "alice@alice.alice" has a public post with text "check this out!"
And a user with email "bob@bob.bob" is connected with "carol@carol.carol"
When I sign in as "carol@carol.carol"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great post! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I focus the comment field
And I fill in the following:
| text | great post! |
And I press "Comment"
Then I should see "less than a minute ago" within ".comment:nth-child(2)"
When I sign out
And I sign in as "carol@carol.carol"
And I follow "Notifications" in the header
Then the notification dropdown should be visible
And I should see "also commented on"
And I should have 3 email delivery
Scenario: someone mentioned me in their post
Given a user with email "bob@bob.bob" is connected with "alice@alice.alice"
And Alice has a post mentioning Bob
......@@ -24,5 +24,8 @@ module Diaspora
update_all(:comments_count => self.comments.count)
def comments_authors
......@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ module Federated
def initialize(user, target)
@user = user
@target = target
@dispatcher_opts ||= {}
def create!(options={})
relayable = build(options)
if! "user:#{} dispatching #{relayable.class}:#{relayable.guid}"
Postzord::Dispatcher.defer_build_and_post(@user, relayable)
Postzord::Dispatcher.defer_build_and_post(@user, relayable, @dispatcher_opts)
......@@ -61,5 +61,18 @@ class Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch < Postzord::Receiver
@users.find_each do |user|
Notification.notify(user, @object,
if @object.respond_to?(:target)
additional_subscriber =
elsif @object.respond_to?(:post)
additional_subscriber =
Notification.notify(additional_subscriber, @object, if needs_notification?(additional_subscriber)
def needs_notification?(person)
person && person != && !@users.exists?(
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