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Valider 9ee3b2d0 rédigé par Jonne Hass's avatar Jonne Hass
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improved closing account experience and fixed the cuke

parent 1ecdba9b
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......@@ -84,9 +84,14 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
sign_out current_user
flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'users.destroy'
flash[:notice] = I18n.t 'users.destroy.success'
redirect_to root_path
if params[:user].present? && params[:user][:current_password].present?
flash[:error] = t 'users.destroy.wrong_password'
flash[:error] = t 'users.destroy.no_password'
redirect_to :back
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
= f.error_messages
= f.label :current_password, t('.current_password')
= f.password_field :current_password
= f.label :close_account_password, t('.current_password'), :for => :close_account_password
= f.password_field :current_password, :id => :close_account_password
= f.submit t('.close_account'), :confirm => t('are_you_sure')
......@@ -938,7 +938,10 @@ en:
ignored_users: "Ignored Users"
stop_ignoring: "Stop ignoring"
destroy: "Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying Diaspora."
success: "Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying Diaspora."
no_password: "Please enter your current password to close your account."
wrong_password: "The entered password didn't match your current password."
well_hello_there: "Well, hello there!"
community_welcome: "Diaspora's community is happy to have you aboard!"
......@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ Feature: Close Account
Given I am signed in
When I click on my name in the header
And I follow "Settings"
And I put in my password in "close_account_password"
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I follow "Close Account"
And I press "Close Account"
Then I should be on the home page
When I go to the new user session page
......@@ -18,6 +19,25 @@ Feature: Close Account
When I wait for the ajax to finish
Then I should see "Invalid email or password."
Scenario: user is forced to enter something in the password field on closing account
Given I am signed in
When I click on my name in the header
And I follow "Settings"
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I press "Close Account"
Then I should be on the edit user page
And I should see "Please enter your current password to close your account."
Scenario: user is forced to enter the right password in the password field on closing account
Given I am signed in
When I click on my name in the header
And I follow "Settings"
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I fill in "close_account_password" with "none sense"
And I press "Close Account"
Then I should be on the edit user page
And I should see "The entered password didn't match your current password."
Scenario: post display should not throw error when mention is removed for the user whose account is closed
Given a user named "Bob Jones" with email "bob@bob.bob"
And a user named "Alice Smith" with email "alice@alice.alice"
......@@ -31,8 +51,9 @@ Feature: Close Account
Then I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
When I click on my name in the header
And I follow "Settings"
And I put in my password in "close_account_password"
And I preemptively confirm the alert
And I follow "Close Account"
And I press "Close Account"
Then I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on the home page
Then I should see "Hi, Bob Jones long time no see"
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