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Valider a0e8f161 rédigé par danielgrippi's avatar danielgrippi Validation de Maxwell Salzberg
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fix notifications controller. yay.

parent ceb8497e
Aucune branche associée trouvée
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......@@ -5,12 +5,8 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe NotificationsController do
before do
@user = alice
@aspect = @user.aspects.first
@controller =
sign_in :user, alice
describe '#update' do
......@@ -37,7 +33,7 @@ describe NotificationsController do
it 'only lets you read your own notifications' do
user2 = bob
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice)
note = Factory(:notification, :recipient => user2)
get :update, "id" =>, :set_unread => "false"
......@@ -49,20 +45,20 @@ describe NotificationsController do
describe "#read_all" do
it 'marks all notifications as read' do
request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "I wish I were spelled right"
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice)
Notification.where(:unread => true).count.should == 2
get :read_all
Notification.where(:unread => true).count.should == 0
it "should redirect to the stream in the html version" do
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice)
get :read_all, :format => :html
response.should redirect_to(stream_path)
it "should return a dummy value in the json version" do
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice)
get :read_all, :format => :json
response.should_not be_redirect
......@@ -71,11 +67,11 @@ describe NotificationsController do
describe '#index' do
before do
@post = Factory(:status_message)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user, :target => @post)
Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice, :target => @post)
it 'paginates the notifications' do
25.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user, :target => @post) }
25.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice, :target => @post) }
get :index
assigns[:notifications].count.should == 25
get :index, "page" => 2
......@@ -83,20 +79,20 @@ describe NotificationsController do
it "supports a limit per_page parameter" do
5.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user, :target => @post) }
5.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice, :target => @post) }
get :index, "per_page" => 5
assigns[:notifications].count.should == 5
describe "special case for start sharing notifications" do
it "should not provide a contacts menu for standard notifications" do
2.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user, :target => @post) }
2.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice, :target => @post) }
get :index, "per_page" => 5
Nokogiri(response.body).css('.aspect_membership').should be_empty
it "should provide a contacts menu for start sharing notifications" do
2.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => @user, :target => @post) }
2.times { Factory(:notification, :recipient => alice, :target => @post) }
eve.share_with(alice.person, eve.aspects.first)
get :index, "per_page" => 5
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