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Non vérifiée Valider aa55a7a0 rédigé par Steffen van Bergerem's avatar Steffen van Bergerem Validation de Benjamin Neff
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Remove custom jquery input event

closes #7371
parent 57b7debd
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
...@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ...@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
//= require charcount //= require charcount
//= require jquery-placeholder //= require jquery-placeholder
//= require rails-timeago //= require rails-timeago
//= require
//= require jquery-ui/core //= require jquery-ui/core
//= require jquery-ui/widget //= require jquery-ui/widget
//= require jquery-ui/mouse //= require jquery-ui/mouse
jQuery `input` special event v1.0
(c) 2010-2011 Andy Earnshaw
MIT license
Modified by Kenneth Auchenberg
* Disabled usage of onPropertyChange event in IE, since its a bit delayed, if you type really fast.
(function($) {
// Handler for propertychange events only
function propHandler() {
var $this = $(this);
if (window.event.propertyName == "value" && !$"triggering.inputEvent")) {
$"triggering.inputEvent", true).trigger("input");
window.setTimeout(function () {
$"triggering.inputEvent", false);
}, 0);
$.event.special.input = {
setup: function(data, namespaces) {
var timer,
// Get a reference to the element
elem = this,
// Store the current state of the element
state = elem.value,
// Create a dummy element that we can use for testing event support
tester = document.createElement(this.tagName),
// Check for native oninput
oninput = "oninput" in tester || checkEvent(tester),
// Check for onpropertychange
onprop = "onpropertychange" in tester,
// Generate a random namespace for event bindings
ns = "inputEventNS" + ~~(Math.random() * 10000000),
// Last resort event names
evts = ["focus", "blur", "paste", "cut", "keydown", "drop", ""].join("." + ns + " ");
function checkState() {
var $this = $(elem);
if (elem.value != state && !$"triggering.inputEvent")) {
state = elem.value;
$"triggering.inputEvent", true).trigger("input");
window.setTimeout(function () {
$"triggering.inputEvent", false);
}, 0);
// Set up a function to handle the different events that may fire
function handler(e) {
// When focusing, set a timer that polls for changes to the value
if (e.type == "focus") {
timer = window.setInterval(checkState, 250);
} else if (e.type == "blur") {
// When blurring, cancel the aforeset timer
} else {
// For all other events, queue a timer to check state ASAP
window.setTimeout(checkState, 0);
// Bind to native event if available
if (oninput) {
return false;
// } else if (onprop) {
// // Else fall back to propertychange if available
// $(this).find("input, textarea").andSelf().filter("input, textarea").bind("propertychange." + ns, propHandler);
} else {
// Else clutch at straws!
$(this).find("input, textarea").andSelf().filter("input, textarea").bind(evts, handler);
$(this).data("inputEventHandlerNS", ns);
teardown: function () {
var elem = $(this);
elem.find("input, textarea").unbind("inputEventHandlerNS"));"inputEventHandlerNS", "");
// Setup our jQuery shorthand method
$.fn.input = function (handler) {
return handler ? this.bind("input", handler) : this.trigger("input");
The following function tests the element for oninput support in Firefox. Many thanks to
function checkEvent(el) {
// First check, for if Firefox fixes its issue with el.oninput = function
el.setAttribute("oninput", "return");
if (typeof el.oninput == "function") {
return true;
// Second check, because Firefox doesn't map oninput attribute to oninput property
try {
// "* Note * : Disabled focus and dispatch of keypress event due to conflict with DOMready, which resulted in scrolling down to the bottom of the page, possibly because layout wasn't finished rendering.
var e = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent"),
ok = false,
tester = function(e) {
ok = true;
// e.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, window, false, false, false, false, 0, "e".charCodeAt(0));
el.addEventListener("input", tester, false);
// el.focus();
// el.dispatchEvent(e);
el.removeEventListener("input", tester, false);
return ok;
} catch(error) {
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