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Unify settings ui

parent 03ef5bd0
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
= render "shared/settings_nav"
%h3= t(".title")
......@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
= render "shared/settings_nav"
- content_for :submit_block do
= link_to t("cancel"), local_or_remote_person_path(current_user.person), class: "btn btn-default"
= submit_tag t(".update_profile"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right", id: "update_profile"
......@@ -7,16 +7,15 @@
= render "shared/settings_nav"
%h3= t(".title")
= render "add_remove_services"
= render "add_remove_services"
= t(".services_explanation")
= t(".services_explanation")
= t("settings")
%li{class: current_page?(edit_profile_path) && "active"}= link_to t("profile"), edit_profile_path
%li{class: current_page?(edit_user_path) && "active"}= link_to t("account"), edit_user_path
%li{class: current_page?(privacy_settings_path) && "active"}= link_to t("privacy"), privacy_settings_path
%li{class: current_page?(services_path) && "active"}= link_to t("_services"), services_path
%li{class: current_page?(api_openid_connect_user_applications_path) && "active"}
= link_to t("_applications"), api_openid_connect_user_applications_path
= link_to t("profile"), edit_profile_path,
class: current_page?(edit_profile_path) ? "list-group-item active" : "list-group-item"
= link_to t("account"), edit_user_path,
class: current_page?(edit_user_path) ? "list-group-item active" : "list-group-item"
= link_to t("privacy"), privacy_settings_path,
class: current_page?(privacy_settings_path) ? "list-group-item active" : "list-group-item"
= link_to t("_services"), services_path,
class: current_page?(services_path) ? "list-group-item active" : "list-group-item"
= link_to t("_applications"), api_openid_connect_user_applications_path,
class: current_page?(api_openid_connect_user_applications_path) ? "list-group-item active" : "list-group-item"
......@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
- content_for :page_title do
= t(".edit_account")
= render "shared/settings_nav"
......@@ -173,42 +169,40 @@
%h3= t(".export_data")
- if current_user.exporting
.export-in-progress= t(".export_in_progress")
- elsif current_user.export.present?
= link_to t(".request_export_update"), export_profile_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default btn-block"
= link_to t(".download_export"), download_profile_user_path,
class: "btn btn-success btn-block"
= t(".last_exported_at", timestamp: current_user.exported_at)
- else
= link_to t(".request_export"), export_profile_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default btn-block"
- if current_user.exporting_photos
.export-in-progress= t(".export_photos_in_progress")
- elsif current_user.exported_photos_file.present?
= link_to t(".request_export_photos_update"), export_photos_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default btn-block"
= link_to t(".download_export_photos"), download_photos_user_path, class: "btn btn-success btn-block"
= t(".last_exported_at", timestamp: current_user.exported_photos_at)
- else
= link_to t(".request_export_photos"), export_photos_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default btn-block"
%h3= t(".export_data")
- if current_user.exporting
.export-in-progress= t(".export_in_progress")
- elsif current_user.export.present?
= link_to t(".request_export_update"), export_profile_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default"
= link_to t(".download_export"), download_profile_user_path,
class: "btn btn-success"
= t(".last_exported_at", timestamp: current_user.exported_at)
- else
= link_to t(".request_export"), export_profile_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default"
- if current_user.exporting_photos
.export-in-progress= t(".export_photos_in_progress")
- elsif current_user.exported_photos_file.present?
= link_to t(".request_export_photos_update"), export_photos_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default"
= link_to t(".download_export_photos"), download_photos_user_path, class: "btn btn-success"
= t(".last_exported_at", timestamp: current_user.exported_photos_at)
- else
= link_to t(".request_export_photos"), export_photos_user_path, method: :post,
class: "btn btn-default"
= t(".close_account_text")
= render "shared/settings_nav"
= t(".title")
= t(".title")
= form_for current_user, url: user_path, html: {method: :put} do |f|
= f.error_messages
= form_for current_user, url: user_path, html: {method: :put} do |f|
= f.error_messages
= f.fields_for :stream_preferences do
= f.label :strip_exif do
= f.check_box :strip_exif
= t(".strip_exif")
= f.submit t("users.edit.change"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right"
= f.fields_for :stream_preferences do
= f.label :strip_exif do
= f.check_box :strip_exif
= t(".strip_exif")
= f.submit t("users.edit.change"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right"
= t(".ignored_users")
= t(".ignored_users")
- if
= t(".no_user_ignored_message")
- else
- @blocks.each do |block|
= render partial: "blocked_person", locals: {block: block, person: block.person}
- if
= t(".no_user_ignored_message")
- else
- @blocks.each do |block|
= render partial: "blocked_person", locals: {block: block, person: block.person}
= render "edit"
= render "shared/settings_nav"
= render "edit"
= render "edit"
= render "shared/settings_nav"
= render "edit"
......@@ -6,4 +6,8 @@
= t('.title')
= render "privacy_settings"
= render "shared/settings_nav"
= render "privacy_settings"
......@@ -6,4 +6,10 @@
= t(".title")
= render "privacy_settings"
= render "shared/settings_nav"
= render "privacy_settings"
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