Fix up the meaning of the name parameter in mentions
The desktop frontend now treats the "name" parameter of mention as a string to display unconditionally. But the Diaspora::Mentionable renders mentions the different way: "name" is treated as a fallback string which is rendered only if the person's name is unavailable. This reflects on the mobile version ATM. This patch makes it behave the same way as the current desktop version does.
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Affichage de
- app/helpers/people_helper.rb 4 ajouts, 2 suppressionsapp/helpers/people_helper.rb
- lib/diaspora/mentionable.rb 15 ajouts, 15 suppressionslib/diaspora/mentionable.rb
- spec/helpers/people_helper_spec.rb 5 ajouts, 0 suppressionspec/helpers/people_helper_spec.rb
- spec/integration/mentioning_spec.rb 1 ajout, 0 suppressionspec/integration/mentioning_spec.rb
- spec/lib/diaspora/mentionable_spec.rb 20 ajouts, 22 suppressionsspec/lib/diaspora/mentionable_spec.rb
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