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Valider df4ebb28 rédigé par zhitomirskiyi's avatar zhitomirskiyi
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accept invitation feature passing

wip, added a form to add aspect to the contact list

added files


render the partial

remote friend

specifying the provider for the route

refactored local person person friend finder functionality to use the partial


trying to use the stream
parent a3981840
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
Affichage de avec 133 ajouts et 104 suppressions
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class AspectsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
respond_to :html
respond_to :json, :only => :show
respond_to :json, :only => [:show, :create]
respond_to :js
def index
......@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ class AspectsController < ApplicationController
redirect_to :back
elsif request.env['HTTP_REFERER'].include?("aspects/manage")
redirect_to :back
elsif params[:aspect][:share_with]
@contact = Contact.where(:id => params[:aspect][:contact_id]).first
@person = Person.where(:id => params[:aspect][:person_id]).first
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :json => {:html => render_to_string(
:partial => 'aspects/aspect_list_item',
:locals => {:aspect => @aspect,
:person => @person,
:contact => @contact}
)},:status => 201 }
respond_with @aspect
......@@ -83,7 +83,10 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
@step = ((params[:step].to_i>0)&&(params[:step].to_i<5)) ? params[:step].to_i : 1
@step ||= 1
if @step == 4
if @step == 3
service = => "Services::Facebook").first
@friends = service ? service.finder : {}
elsif @step == 4
@user.getting_started = false
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is
-# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
-# the COPYRIGHT file.
= link_to, aspect
= aspect_membership_button(aspect, contact, person)
......@@ -9,8 +9,15 @@
= t('.thats_you')
- elsif contact && !contact.pending
= t('.already_connected')
- elsif (contact && contact.pending) || request
- elsif (contact && contact.pending) || (request && request.recipient == person)
= t('.pending_request')
- elsif request && request.sender == person
= link_to t('', :name => truncate(, :length => 20, :separator => ' ', :omission => '')),
{:controller => "people",
:action => "share_with",
:id =>},
:class => 'share_with button',
:rel => 'facebox'
- else
= link_to t(''),
{:controller => "people",
......@@ -5,16 +5,27 @@
- for aspect in aspects_with_person
= link_to, aspect
= aspect_membership_button(aspect, contact, person)
= render :partial => 'aspects/aspect_list_item',
:locals => {:aspect => aspect, :person => person,
:contact => contact}
- for aspect in aspects_without_person
= link_to, aspect
= aspect_membership_button(aspect, contact, person)
= render :partial => 'aspects/aspect_list_item',
:locals => {:aspect => aspect, :person => person,
:contact => contact}
= t('users.getting_started.step_3.aspect_name')
= form_for(, :remote => true) do |aspect|
= aspect.error_messages
= aspect.hidden_field :person_id, :value => if person
= aspect.hidden_field :contact_id, :value => if contact
= aspect.hidden_field :share_with, :value => true
= aspect.text_field :name, :id => "step-3-aspect-name", :style => "display:inline;"
= aspect.label :contacts_visible, t('aspects.edit.make_aspect_list_visible')
= aspect.check_box :contacts_visible, :default => true
= aspect.submit :src => '/images/icons/monotone_add_plus.png', :type => "image", :value => "", :class => 'button'
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is
-# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See
-# the COPYRIGHT file.
= search_field_tag :contact_search, "", :class => 'contact_list_search', :results => 5, :placeholder => t('shared.contact_list.all_contacts')
- for uid in friends.keys
= render :partial => 'services/remote_friend', :locals => {:friend => friends[uid], :uid => uid}
-if friend[:contact] && !friend[:contact].pending
= t('people.person.already_connected')
- elsif (friend[:contact] && friend[:contact].pending)
= t('people.person.pending_request')
- elsif friend[:invitation_id]
= t('')
= link_to t('.resend'), service_inviter_path(:uid => uid, :provider => 'facebook', :invitation_id => friend[:invitation_id])
- elsif friend[:person]
= link_to t(''),
{:controller => "people",
:action => "show",
:id => friend[:person].id,
:share_with => true},
:class => 'button'
-if friend[:person]
= render :partial => 'people/person', :locals => {:person => friend[:person], :contact => friend[:contact], :request => friend[:request]}
-if friend[:invitation_id]
= t('')
= link_to t('.resend'), service_inviter_path(:uid => uid, :provider => 'facebook', :invitation_id => friend[:invitation_id])
- elsif current_user.invites > 0
= form_tag service_inviter_path(:provider => 'facebook') do
= select_tag(:aspect_id, options_from_collection_for_select(@all_aspects, 'id', 'name'))
= hidden_field_tag :uid, uid
= submit_tag t('.invite')
- elsif current_user.invites > 0
= form_tag service_inviter_path do
= select_tag(:aspect_id, options_from_collection_for_select(@all_aspects, 'id', 'name'))
= hidden_field_tag :uid, uid
= hidden_field_tag :provider, 'facebook'
= submit_tag t('.invite')
= image_tag('/images/user/default.png', :class => 'avatar')
- if friend[:person]
= person_image_link(friend[:person])
- else
= image_tag('/images/user/default.png', :class => 'avatar')
- if friend[:person]
= link_to friend[:name], person_path(friend[:person])
- else
= friend[:name]
= friend[:name]
......@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@
- if @friends.keys.length > 0
= search_field_tag :contact_search, "", :class => 'contact_list_search', :results => 5, :placeholder => t('shared.contact_list.all_contacts')
- for uid in @friends.keys
= render :partial => 'remote_friend', :locals => {:friend => @friends[uid], :uid => uid}
= render :partial => 'services/finder', :locals => {:friends => @friends}
- else
......@@ -8,55 +8,21 @@
= t('.your_aspects')
= t('.description')
-if @requests.length > 0
= t('.your_inviter')
- for pending_req in @requests
- person = pending_req.sender
= render :partial => 'people/person', :locals => {:request => pending_req, :person => person, :contact => nil}
-unless @friends.blank?
= render :partial => 'services/finder', :locals => {:friends => @friends, :getting_started => true}
-if @requests.size > 0
= t('.your_inviter')
- if @requests.size < 1
- else
- for request in @requests
%li.person.request{:data=>{:guid=>, :person_id=>}}
= person_image_link(request.sender)
%p= "#{t('.drag_to_add')} =>"
- for aspect in @all_aspects
%span.tip click to edit
%li!= remove_link(aspect)
-for contact in aspect.contacts
%li.person{:data=>{:guid=>, :aspect_id=>}}
= person_image_link(contact.person)
= t('.aspect_name')
= form_for do |aspect|
= aspect.text_field :name, :id => "step-3-aspect-name", :style => "display:inline;"
= aspect.label :contacts_visible, t('aspects.edit.make_aspect_list_visible')
= aspect.check_box :contacts_visible, :default => true
= aspect.submit t('.add')
= link_to "#{t('users.getting_started.save_and_continue')} →", getting_started_path(:step => 4), :class => "button"
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Feature: invitation acceptance
Then I should be on the getting started page
And I should see "Welcome to Diaspora!"
And I should see "ohai"
When I follow "Save and continue"
And I fill in "profile_first_name" with "O"
And I fill in "profile_last_name" with "Hai"
And I fill in "profile_gender" with "guess!"
......@@ -30,15 +31,22 @@ Feature: invitation acceptance
Then I should be on the getting started page
And I should see "Welcome to Diaspora!"
And I should see "ohai"
When I follow "Save and continue"
And I fill in "profile_first_name" with "O"
And I fill in "profile_last_name" with "Hai"
And I fill in "profile_gender" with "guess!"
And I press "Save and continue"
Then I should see "Profile updated"
And I should see "Your aspects"
And I should see "Here are the people who are waiting for you:"
And I should see 1 contact request
When I drag the contact request to the "Family" aspect
And I press the first ".share_with.button"
And I press the first ".add.button" within "#facebox #aspects_list ul > li:first-child"
And I wait for the ajax to finish
Then I should see 1 contact in "Family"
When I go to the home page
Then I go to the aspects manage page
Then I should see 1 contact in "Family"
Feature: sending and receiving requests
Given a user with email "bob@bob.bob"
And a user with email "alice@alice.alice"
Scenario: initiating and accepting a contact request
When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I am on "alice@alice.alice"'s page
And I press the first ".share_with.button" within "#author_info"
......@@ -13,7 +11,8 @@ Feature: sending and receiving requests
And I wait for the ajax to finish
Then I should see a ".added.button" within "#facebox #aspects_list ul > li:first-child"
Then I go to the destroy user session page
Scenario: accepting a contact request
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on the aspects manage page
Then I should see 1 contact request
......@@ -30,3 +29,21 @@ Feature: sending and receiving requests
And I am on the aspects manage page
Then I should see 1 contact in "Besties"
Scenario: accepting a contact request into a new aspect
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "bob@bob.bob"'s page
And I press the first ".share_with.button" within "#author_info"
And I fill in "Name" with "Super People" in the modal window
And I press "aspect_submit" in the modal window
And I wait for the ajax to finish
And I press the first ".add.button" within "#facebox #aspects_list ul > li:last-child"
When I go to the home page
Then I go to the aspects manage page
Then I should see 1 contact in "Super People"
Then I go to the destroy user session page
When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
And I am on the aspects manage page
Then I should see 1 contact in "Besties"

228 octets

......@@ -74,5 +74,10 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.new_aspect').live('ajax:success', function(data, json, xhr){
var json = JSON.parse(json);
$('#aspects_list ul').append(json.html);
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