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removeing the tooltips after submit

parent 431fa3fd
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ class TagFollowingsController < ApplicationController
@tag_following = current_user.tag_followings.create(:tag_id =>
redirect_to aspects_path(:welcome => true)
redirect_to aspects_path
......@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@
$("#publisher .dropdown").tipsy("show");
$("#publisher .dropdown").bind("click", function(){$(this).tipsy("hide")});
$("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").tipsy({trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'w', id: "first_message_explain"});
$("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").tipsy({trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'e', id: "first_message_explain"});
$("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").tipsy("show");
$("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").bind("click", function(){$(this).tipsy("hide")});
$("#publisher .button.creation").bind("click", function(){
$("#publisher .dropdown").tipsy("hide");
$("#publisher #status_message_fake_text").tipsy("hide");
#publisher.closed{:class => ((aspect == :profile)? 'mention_popup' : nil )}
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
asHtmlID: "tags",
neverSubmit: true,
retriveLimit: 10,
selectionLimit: 5,
selectionLimit: false,
minChars: 2,
keyDelay: 200,
startText: "",
......@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@
We can speed things up a bit by
= link_to "hooking up your Facebook account", "auth/facebook?callback_url=#{getting_started_url}"
to Diaspora. We can pull your name and photo, and enable cross-positng.
to Diaspora. This will pull your name and photo, and enable cross-positng.
/= form_for(current_user.person.profile, :remote => true) do |profile|
= form_tag profile_path, :method => :put, :remote => true, :id => 'edit_profile' do |profile|
= text_field_tag 'profile[first_name]', current_user.person.profile.first_name, :placeholder => t('profiles.edit.first_name')
= text_field_tag 'profile[first_name]', current_user.person.profile.first_name, :placeholder => t('profiles.edit.your_name')
= image_tag 'ajax-loader.gif', :id => "form_spinner", :class => "hidden"
%span.saved{:class => "hidden"}
= image_tag 'icons/check_yes_ok.png'
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class Stream::Aspect < Stream::Base
# @return [String]
def publisher_prefill
prefill = I18n.t("shared.publisher.new_user_prefill.hello", :new_user_tag => "newHere")
prefill = I18n.t("shared.publisher.new_user_prefill.hello", :new_user_tag => "newhere")
if self.user.followed_tags.size > 0
tag_string ={|t| "##{}"}.to_sentence
prefill << I18n.t("shared.publisher.new_user_prefill.i_like", :tags => tag_string)
......@@ -3217,7 +3217,7 @@ ul#getting_started
:width 210px
:min-height 260px
:min-height 235px
:left 30px
......@@ -3230,6 +3230,12 @@ ul#getting_started
:top -120px
:left 140px
:position absolute
:left 1px
:top 80px
:overflow hidden
:top 10px
:left 69px
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