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remove logging statement in a before filter that performed a query

parent 63c7634f
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -4,28 +4,35 @@
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery :except => :receive
before_filter :ensure_http_referer_is_set
before_filter :set_header_data, :except => [:create, :update]
before_filter :set_header_data, :except => [:create, :update, :destroy]
before_filter :set_locale
before_filter :set_git_header if (AppConfig[:git_update] && AppConfig[:git_revision])
before_filter :which_action_and_user
prepend_before_filter :clear_gc_stats
before_filter :set_grammatical_gender
prepend_before_filter :clear_gc_stats
inflection_method :grammatical_gender => :gender
helper_method :all_aspects, :all_contacts_count, :my_contacts_count, :only_sharing_count
helper_method :tags, :tag_followings
helper_method :all_aspects,
def ensure_http_referer_is_set
request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] ||= '/aspects'
# we need to do this for vanna controller. these should really be controller
# helper methods instead
def set_header_data
if user_signed_in?
if request.format.html? && !params[:only_posts]
@aspect = nil
@notification_count = Notification.for(current_user, :unread =>true).count
@unread_message_count = ConversationVisibility.sum(:unread, :conditions => "person_id = #{}")
......@@ -69,18 +76,6 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
headers['X-Git-Revision'] = AppConfig[:git_revision]
def which_action_and_user
str = "event=request_with_user controller=#{self.class} action=#{self.action_name} "
if current_user
str << "uid=#{} "
str << "user_created_at='#{current_user.created_at.to_date.to_s}' user_created_at_unix=#{current_user.created_at.to_i} " if current_user.created_at
str << "user_non_pending_contact_count=#{current_user.contacts.size} user_contact_count=#{Contact.unscoped.where(:user_id =>} "
str << 'uid=nil'
end str
def set_locale
if user_signed_in?
I18n.locale = current_user.language
......@@ -21,47 +21,46 @@
= form_tag(people_path, :method => 'get', :class => "search_form") do
= text_field_tag 'q', nil, :placeholder => t('find_people'), :type => 'search', :results => 5
- if @notification_count
= link_to aspects_path, :title => t('_home') do
= image_tag 'icons/home_grey.svg', :height => 16
= link_to aspects_path, :title => t('_home') do
= image_tag 'icons/home_grey.svg', :height => 16
= link_to contacts_link, :title => t('_contacts') do
= image_tag 'icons/contacts_grey.svg', :height => 16
= link_to contacts_link, :title => t('_contacts') do
= image_tag 'icons/contacts_grey.svg', :height => 16
= link_to notifications_path, :title => new_notification_text(@notification_count) do
= image_tag 'icons/notifications_grey.svg', :height => 16, :id => "notification-flag"
.badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @notification_count == 0)}
= @notification_count
= link_to notifications_path, :title => new_notification_text(@notification_count) do
= image_tag 'icons/notifications_grey.svg', :height => 16, :id => "notification-flag"
.badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @notification_count == 0)}
= @notification_count
= link_to conversations_path , :title => new_message_text(@unread_message_count) do
= image_tag 'icons/mail_grey.svg', :width => 18
.badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @unread_message_count == 0)}
= @unread_message_count
= link_to conversations_path , :title => new_message_text(@unread_message_count) do
= image_tag 'icons/mail_grey.svg', :width => 18
.badge_count{:class => ("hidden" if @unread_message_count == 0)}
= @unread_message_count
= link_to t('.view_all'), notifications_path, :id => "view_all_notifications"
= t('.recent_notifications')
= image_tag("ajax-loader.gif")
= link_to t('.view_all'), notifications_path, :id => "view_all_notifications"
= t('.recent_notifications')
= image_tag("ajax-loader.gif")
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