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Feature spec for change password on mobile website

 Fix #6372
parent 3c43819b
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@javascript @mobile
Feature: Change password
As a mobile user
I want to Change my password
Scenario: Change my password
Given I am signed in
When I go to the users edit page
And I fill out change password section with my password and "newsecret" and "newsecret"
And I press "Change password"
Then I should see "Password changed"
And I should be on the new user session page
When I sign in with password "newsecret"
Then I should be on the stream page
Scenario: Attempt to change my password with invalid input
Given I am signed in
When I go to the edit user page
And I fill out change password section with my password and "too" and "short"
And I press "Change password"
Then I should see "Password is too short"
And I should see "Password confirmation doesn't match"
Scenario: Reset my password
Given a user named "Georges Abitbol" with email ""
And I am on forgot password page
When I fill out forgot password form with ""
And I submit forgot password form
Then I should see "You will receive an email with instructions"
When I follow the "Change my password" link from the last sent email
And I fill out reset password form with "supersecret" and "supersecret"
And I submit reset password form
Then I should be on the stream page
When I sign out manually on the mobile website
And I sign in manually as "georges_abitbol" with password "supersecret" on the mobile website
Then I should be on the stream page
Scenario: Attempt to reset password with invalid password
Given a user named "Georges Abitbol" with email ""
And I am on forgot password page
When I fill out forgot password form with ""
And I submit forgot password form
And I follow the "Change my password" link from the last sent email
And I fill out reset password form with "too" and "short"
And I press "Change my password"
Then I should be on the user password page
And I should see "Password is too short"
And I should see "Password confirmation doesn't match"
Scenario: Attempt to reset password with invalid email
Given I am on forgot password page
When I fill out forgot password form with "notanemail"
And I submit forgot password form
Then I should see "No account with this email exists"
......@@ -28,6 +28,13 @@ When /^I (?:sign|log) in as "([^"]*)" on the mobile website$/ do |email|
When /^I (?:sign|log) in manually as "([^"]*)" with password "([^"]*)" on the mobile website$/ do |username, password|
@me = User.find_by_username(username)
@me.password ||= password
When /^I (?:sign|log) in with password "([^"]*)"$/ do |password|
@me.password = password
......@@ -66,6 +73,10 @@ When /^I (?:log|sign) out manually$/ do
When /^I (?:log|sign) out manually on the mobile website$/ do
Then(/^I should not be able to sign up$/) do
......@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ module UserCukeHelpers
find("#user_menu li:last-child a").click
def manual_logout_mobile
find("#drawer ul li:last-child a").click
def fill_in_new_user_form
@username = "ohai"
fill_in('user_username', with: @username)
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