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Add tests for photo link in profile side bar

parent 8df8855a
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Feature: show photos
Given following users exist:
| username | email |
| Bob Jones | bob@bob.bob |
| Alice Smith | alice@alice.alice |
| Robert Grimm | robert@grimm.grimm |
And I sign in as "robert@grimm.grimm"
Given I expand the publisher
And I have turned off jQuery effects
And I attach the file "spec/fixtures/button.png" to hidden "file" within "#file-upload"
And I press "Share"
Scenario: see my own photos
And I am on "robert@grimm.grimm"'s page
When I follow "View all"
Then I should be on person_photos page
Scenario: I cannot see photos of people who don't share with me
When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice"
And I am on "robert@grimm.grimm"'s page
Then I should not see "photos" within "div#profile"
module NavigationHelpers module NavigationHelpers
def path_to(page_name) def path_to(page_name)
case page_name case page_name
when /^person_photos page$/
when /^the home(?: )?page$/ when /^the home(?: )?page$/
stream_path stream_path
when /^step (\d)$/ when /^step (\d)$/
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