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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. mai 15, 2014
    • Lukas Matt's avatar
      It is now possible to report comments · 1748d3b9
      Lukas Matt a rédigé
      * Renamed PostReport to Report
      * Added report button to SPV
      * Updated rspec
      refs diaspora/diaspora#4732
      refs diaspora/diaspora#4710
      refs diaspora/diaspora#4711
      refs diaspora/diaspora#4517
  2. avr. 16, 2014
  3. mars 31, 2014
  4. mars 30, 2014
  5. mars 19, 2014
  6. mars 13, 2014
  7. mars 10, 2014
  8. fév. 20, 2014
  9. fév. 18, 2014
  10. jan. 24, 2014
  11. jan. 17, 2014
  12. jan. 14, 2014
    • Lukas Matt's avatar
      Added post report feature · 5c9a3aaf
      Lukas Matt a rédigé
      You can report a single post by clicking the correct icon in the controler section
      * Report a post as offensive
      * Trigger alerts to every pod-admin
      * Pod-admin can review it in the admin interface
      * Delete the post or mark it as reviewed
  13. déc. 29, 2013
  14. déc. 15, 2013
  15. nov. 13, 2013
  16. nov. 07, 2013
  17. sept. 19, 2013
  18. sept. 14, 2013
  19. août 30, 2013
    • Srihari Sriraman's avatar
      Refactored the colors palette a little more · 5bd5f919
      Srihari Sriraman a rédigé
      - Introduced text-dark-grey = #666666
      - Converted text colors #777777 and #555555 to text-dark-grey
      - Removed header-grey in favor of text-grey
      - Included colors in a couple of files where it was missing
      - Categorized the colors in the palette based on the contexts of usage
    • Srihari Sriraman's avatar
      Add border-dark-grey · 4348fc07
      Srihari Sriraman a rédigé
      Substituting -grey for #999
      Moving #888 text color to -grey
      Adding border-dark-grey
      Removing border-dark-grey from places where it isn't appropriate
  20. août 29, 2013
    • Srihari Sriraman's avatar
      Disable 'Mark all as read' for notifications when everything is read · 0bcc62f0
      Srihari Sriraman a rédigé
      - This action needn't be performed when all notifications are read,
        hence disabling it is a good practice
      - Added a link-disabled-color
      - Used css pointer-events to disable clicking on the link
      Preventing default on click for the mark_all_read_link
      - avoiding the use of pointer-events
      - setting up disabled only for mark_all_read_link
      Moved disabling of the link to a global handler
      - Added disabled class to the button in /notifications when all are read
      - Styled the disabled button
      - Adding disabled class after completion of ajaxRequest
  21. août 28, 2013
    • Srihari Sriraman's avatar
      First stab at extracting a color palette · a6dc845f
      Srihari Sriraman a rédigé
      - Pulled out the existing palette in _mixins
      - Took a stab at naming greys after their usage count in contexts
      - Replaced #a40802 with #a80000, since they are very close and $red was already in the palette
      Missed importing 'colors' in a couple of places
      Removing a redefined  in favor of  in colors.css.scss
      Fixing missed imports #2
      Renamed $background to $background-white
      Explicitly calling out the color of the background, since we have many
      background colors
  22. août 27, 2013
  23. août 26, 2013
  24. août 25, 2013
    • flaburgan's avatar
    • Srihari Sriraman's avatar
      Adding hover icoons for notifications & conversations · e8b00458
      Srihari Sriraman a rédigé
      Added white versions of the icons on hover to match the hover of other
      header items.
      Changing the notifications hover icon to the regular notifications icon when active so
      it is visible with the white background.
      Fixing the hard coded background-position value for notifications_grey
      Can not depend on generated sprite background position as it will change
      with changes in icons
      Moving the $icons variable to a broader scope
      Since the variable is used in the header, the sprites now are imported
      before the header
      Using the default sprite map instead of the explicitly created sprite map
  25. août 22, 2013
    • Jonne Haß's avatar
      add the footer to the SPV · 0012a82f
      Jonne Haß a rédigé
    • Jonne Haß's avatar
      improve new SPV · fa7b756d
      Jonne Haß a rédigé
      * Hopefully fix OEmbed view
      * Fix OpenGraph view
      * Fix middle border
      * Add spacing at the bottom
      * Fix comment styles by not including old SPV styles for them (TODO: maybe rescue some stuff there, like the code tag styling)
      * Fix avatar size for default avatar
      * Remove border below comment pane
      * Fix overflow of post body with a lot of text
      * Fix stylesheet inclusion
    • flaburgan's avatar
      Add images, fix layout rendering · d63dc9f0
      flaburgan a rédigé
  26. août 21, 2013
  27. août 20, 2013
  28. août 19, 2013
  29. août 11, 2013
  30. août 09, 2013
Chargement en cours