- jan. 07, 2012
Daniel Grippi a rédigé
DG DH; made acts_as_api play nice with backbonejs. comments are semi-functional; stream elements use the StreamElement js widget (for now).
danielgrippi a rédigé
add acts_as_api to the models directly for now. the 'root node' problem (posts : {}) breaks backbone. wip
- déc. 19, 2011
- nov. 03, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
DH DG; made privacy page; can now unblock a user; users are actually being blockocked in ajaxed streams
Dan Hansen & Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
fixed scoping stuff
Dan Hansen a rédigé
- oct. 19, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
- oct. 16, 2011
Manuel Schölling a rédigé
Manuel Schölling a rédigé
Manuel Schölling a rédigé
- oct. 14, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
- oct. 11, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
wip oembed refactor. still need to make a oembed_helper, and move some tests to their new home, but e but we are looking preeeetttttyyyy good.
Manuel Schölling a rédigé
Pistos a rédigé
Leaving the #order call in #last_three_comments caused the generated SQL to have two conflicting ORDER BY components, which caused the query to return invalid results. I removed the problem by removing #last_three_comments which I consider a premature optimization.
Pistos a rédigé
- oct. 07, 2011
Your Name a rédigé
- oct. 06, 2011
Ilya Zhitomirskiy a rédigé
- oct. 05, 2011
Ilya Zhitomirskiy a rédigé
- oct. 04, 2011
Ilya Zhitomirskiy a rédigé
- oct. 03, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
added tag follow feature, mention page feature. is now pretty easy to add new types of streams, but some more refactoring could make it even nicer
- sept. 30, 2011
Ilya Zhitomirskiy a rédigé
- sept. 29, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
- sept. 14, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
- sept. 12, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
- sept. 11, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
buddhamagnet a rédigé
- sept. 03, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
put receiving in a transaction, to prevent the crazy duplicate index errors and hopefully fix federation visibility.
- août 12, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- août 11, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- août 10, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
- juil. 22, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé