- nov. 11, 2014
Jonne Haß a rédigé
It allowed Flash apps on any domain to make requests on behalf of a signed in user. Thanks to Oliver Beg for the hint.
- fév. 09, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- jan. 16, 2014
Quazi Marufur Rahman a rédigé
- sept. 23, 2013
flaburgan a rédigé
- sept. 18, 2013
Antoine D a rédigé
I moved 404 to the assets to avoid loading font and images from joindiaspora. #- Can I move the design to a 404-style.css file which will be in the public repository too ? #- This pull request proposes to insert the two font files and the cat image, do you agree ? Depend of amazon seems really bad for me.
- sept. 14, 2013
Nils Vogels a rédigé
Changing 404 message to no longer use Joindiaspora's media on S3
- juin 22, 2013
Duke a rédigé
- juin 17, 2013
Jonne Haß a rédigé
- juin 14, 2013
rivendale a rédigé
clarify comments and update permanently moved URL
- juin 12, 2013
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- jan. 07, 2013
Flaburgan a rédigé
- août 24, 2012
Daniel Grippi a rédigé
movilla a rédigé
- août 23, 2012
movilla a rédigé
- mai 11, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
- mai 07, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
- mai 06, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
this changes profile background colors to be dark, and sets up the groundwork for uploading user-selected background images for their profiles. all the styling is in place; what remains is creating a new image uploader and (possibly) a new controller action. for information on what command to use to darken the background image that's uploaded, see line 11 in `_profile.scss`. the current image tests in the public folder are results of the convert command noted.
- mai 05, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
made favicon sexier; extracted form-block into its own custom class; made the title of pages less caps-lock.
- mai 01, 2012
https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issuesmovilla a rédigé
I think possibly "https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues" better than "http://bugs.joindiaspora.com/"
- avr. 27, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
- avr. 06, 2012
Jonne Haß a rédigé
- avr. 04, 2012
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
add some assets which are for bootstrap which seem to need them to be in public. bootstrap-sass should deal with this
- avr. 03, 2012
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
heroku and asset sync, which puts the S3 config vars in from your app config.
- mars 28, 2012
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
fix for the stream not loading; we were creating status_message objects that were simply wrappers around posts. in the lastest codebase, status_messages in js are what we are using for the new post form, so we need to just tell our post collection to stop making status_messages directly
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Steven Hancock a rédigé
Steven Hancock a rédigé
Steven Hancock a rédigé
193 specs | 5 failing The 5 failing specs appear (according to Firebug) to be due to missing fixtures and/or missing routes in the Jasmine environment. Fixing these last 5 failures is a task probably best left to a more experienced Javascript/Jasmine developer. This commit also moves validation.js and clear-form.js into app/assets/javascripts and precompiles validation.js
Steven Hancock a rédigé
* Move all Diaspora-specific javascripts to app/assets/javascripts * Move all vendored javascripts to vendor/assets/javascripts * Add the appropriate Sprockets require directives to make sure everything gets included in the right order * Remove Jammit dependencies * Fix all templates that were using Jammit's include_javascripts helper * Add handlebars_assets gem for compiling Handlebars templates * Move all Handlebars templates to app/assets/templates and rename from .handlebars to .jst.hbs (this is to keep them in the same global JST namespace that they were in under Jammit) * Add public/assets to .gitignore since these files can and should be re-generated by Heroku or Capistrano during each deploy * Fix a few Handlebars templates that were looking for images in the wrong location (I'm sure there are others, but it's late) * Configure application.rb to precompile all javascript and css assets that were compiled by Jammit in the Rails 3.0 code
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
- mars 27, 2012
Dennis Collinson a rédigé
extract creating a post with templates to a static post view method. Legacy templates extracted, day view day mood shows photos and has variable text size
Dennis Collinson a rédigé