- mars 14, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- mars 10, 2011
- mars 07, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- mars 03, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- mars 02, 2011
danielvincent a rédigé
- mars 01, 2011
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
- fév. 25, 2011
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
added the post to services icon on every page added a manage icon and moved the RSS link to the public explain
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
- fév. 23, 2011
- fév. 16, 2011
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
- fév. 13, 2011
danielvincent a rédigé
- fév. 12, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
- jan. 31, 2011
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
- jan. 25, 2011
maxwell a rédigé
added public button to the mobile publisher. make status message mobile redirect to back; also, include minifiyed jququery mobile css
- jan. 24, 2011
danielvincent a rédigé
everything ported from pre-mysql mobile stuff. things missing: search page, aspect switcher, notification badge.
- jan. 19, 2011
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
- jan. 18, 2011
Raphael a rédigé
- jan. 12, 2011
maxwell a rédigé
IZ MS fix a nasty bug where status messages with posts were not persisted in a users aspects stream. also, fixed the code link for joindiaspora.com
maxwell a rédigé
IZ MS fix a nasty bug where status messages with posts were not persisted in a users aspects stream. also, fixed the code link for joindiaspora.com
- jan. 08, 2011
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
- déc. 28, 2010
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Fix StatusMessagesController. Refactor specs to take out stuff that's tested elsewhere. MOAR REFAKTRNG PLZ. Is ugly.
- déc. 24, 2010
Michael Sofaer and Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Michael Sofaer and Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- déc. 21, 2010
Raphael a rédigé
- déc. 20, 2010
Raphael a rédigé
- déc. 15, 2010
zhitomirskiyi a rédigé
- déc. 10, 2010
Raphael a rédigé
- déc. 05, 2010
maxwell a rédigé
MS DG photos now delete sm if they are empty status messages, and status messages delete their photos