- avr. 30, 2019
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
They don't make sense on that page, because at this stage, the user already has an account and also has already entered their password. closes #8005
- avr. 29, 2019
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
- avr. 28, 2019
lislis a rédigé
- jan. 06, 2019
flaburgan a rédigé
closes #7926
- août 31, 2017
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- oct. 18, 2016
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
closes #7148
- août 12, 2016
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- mars 21, 2016
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- déc. 29, 2015
fla a rédigé
- oct. 20, 2015
Saritha a rédigé
Fix #6449 Fix: SyntaxError in 'app/views/devise/passwords/edit.mobile.haml'
- oct. 10, 2015
- juil. 22, 2015
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- juil. 03, 2015
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- juin 04, 2015
Augier a rédigé
correcting images display on stream sidebar Corrections on profile page
- juin 01, 2015
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
and cleanup the code so it follows the code guidelines closes #5955 closes #6028
- mai 29, 2015
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
- move mobile icons to mobile-folder, so they aren't included in the icons-sprite - move logos to branding/logos, and create a logos-sprite without the big other branding-images - delete duplicate images closes #6004
- avr. 21, 2015
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- fév. 18, 2015
- août 14, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- juil. 06, 2014
arlogn a rédigé
- fév. 09, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- juin 14, 2013
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- mars 30, 2013
movilla a rédigé
* Re-add flash warning to registrations mobile * Remove excess :css * Fix littles css errors
- déc. 08, 2012
movilla a rédigé
Add flash warning to conversation mobile, unification of flash warning with login and register mobile, and add support for flash warning to Opera browser
- nov. 14, 2012
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
... and force it to really remember the session by a hidden field.
- sept. 26, 2012
Jonne Haß a rédigé
* Throw away old system * Add new system * Add new example files * Replace all calls * add the most important docs * Add Specs * rename disable_ssl_requirement to require_ssl * cloudfiles isn't used/called in our code * since community_spotlight.list is only used as enable flag replace it with such one and remove all legacy and irelevant codepaths around it * die if session secret is unset and on heroku * First basic infrastructure for version information
- sept. 08, 2012
movilla a rédigé
- août 30, 2012
- juin 16, 2012
movilla a rédigé
- mai 30, 2012
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
- mai 28, 2012
Carlos Alexandro Becker a rédigé
- mai 23, 2012
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
Extend usernames pattern to allow '@', '.' and '"' to not lock out old users with dots in their username or users using their email address to sign in...
- mai 22, 2012
movilla a rédigé
- mai 19, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
- mai 05, 2012
danielgrippi a rédigé
made favicon sexier; extracted form-block into its own custom class; made the title of pages less caps-lock.
- mars 29, 2012
Sean Tilley a rédigé
Move branding assets to /images/branding for asset pipeline, update template files to point to new branding directory
- mars 28, 2012
Steven Hancock a rédigé
* Move all Diaspora-specific javascripts to app/assets/javascripts * Move all vendored javascripts to vendor/assets/javascripts * Add the appropriate Sprockets require directives to make sure everything gets included in the right order * Remove Jammit dependencies * Fix all templates that were using Jammit's include_javascripts helper * Add handlebars_assets gem for compiling Handlebars templates * Move all Handlebars templates to app/assets/templates and rename from .handlebars to .jst.hbs (this is to keep them in the same global JST namespace that they were in under Jammit) * Add public/assets to .gitignore since these files can and should be re-generated by Heroku or Capistrano during each deploy * Fix a few Handlebars templates that were looking for images in the wrong location (I'm sure there are others, but it's late) * Configure application.rb to precompile all javascript and css assets that were compiled by Jammit in the Rails 3.0 code