- août 13, 2017
- août 12, 2017
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Single post view interaction refactorings
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Use config.eager_load_paths instead of config.autoload_once_paths
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Since the gem was renamed, we need to require it manually...
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Upgrade to rails 5.1
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
Otherwise Rails 5 would ignore the migration version and create the tables with bitints as IDs on MySQL.
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
we released that in in 2015, we do not support skipping majors anyway, and this is broken in Rails 5, so let's remove this. If people upgrade from before, they have to upgrade via, but that's written in the documenation.
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
Although this is contrary to rails best-practises, we cannot provide a schema.rb that works for both MySQL and PostgreSQL, so we have no choice. Our migrations are maintained, so it should always be possible to get back to a "clean" database schema anyway.
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
Dennis Schubert a rédigé
... this breaks the Rails 5 upgrade, and it's actually no longer needed. New installations will have the right size anyway, and even if some older installations miss the migration by not updating for 2 years, it still doesn't matter since there is no risk that we will ever have emojis in our migration filenames.
Benjamin Neff a rédigé
The change in assets.rb should be enough, but it doesn't work, because sprockets `after_initialize` runs before it and initializes sprockets with unfiltered paths. But the trick with the underscore works, because bootstrap-sass has named the file `_bootstrap.scss`, and rails-assets-bootstrap has `bootstrap.scss`, so with `_bootstrap` it uses the correct bootstrap.