- mai 31, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Nicolas Berens a rédigé
- mai 29, 2011
MrZYX a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Fix that one freaking exporter example that was apparently failing spuriously. Actually, we had bad xpath that grabbed the wrong created_at, and it only passed when the created_at times were the same.
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Switching to settingslogic to manage our configuration. THE FILE FORMAT HAS CHANGED. OLD APP.YML AND APP_CONFIG.YML FILES WILL NOT WORK ANYMORE. Two important differences: 1. The app only looks in one file for settings: config/application.yml. If you want to override something, do it in that file. It is gitignore'd. If config/application.yml does not exist, or exists but is in the old format, you'll get a nice friendly set of instructions on how to convert your old file. 2. script/server settings are no longer in application.yml. They have their own settings file - copy config/script_server_config.yml.example to config/script_server_config.yml. This is also gitignore'd. script/server will print a message and exit if that file doesn't exist.
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- mai 27, 2011
Jakob Kramer a rédigé
- mai 25, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
- mai 24, 2011
MrZYX a rédigé
really no string concatenation and proper pluralization in notifications helper AKA THE REASON I DIDN'T WANTED TO TOUCH THIS STUFF
MrZYX a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
- mai 23, 2011
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
Raphael Sofaer a rédigé
MrZYX a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
- mai 22, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
add application helper to notification helper spec, made the link an object_link rather than status_message_link
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé