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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. août 26, 2013
  2. août 20, 2013
  3. août 12, 2013
  4. août 11, 2013
  5. août 07, 2013
  6. août 05, 2013
  7. août 02, 2013
  8. juil. 31, 2013
  9. juil. 06, 2013
    • kevivmatrix's avatar
      private message sending changed to ajax · 6623e86a
      kevivmatrix a rédigé
      added specs for change in controller
      one form of hash used in single line of code
      rendering create response on sending message
      redirect user to conversation page if message sent successfully
      removed deprecated way of rendering file
      conversations create for mobile fixed
      minor code style change
      updated changelog
  10. juil. 02, 2013
  11. juin 27, 2013
  12. juin 24, 2013
  13. juin 15, 2013
  14. avr. 10, 2013
  15. mars 21, 2013
    • Jonne Haß's avatar
      Bye Resque. Ohai Sidekiq. · 79a79d65
      Jonne Haß a rédigé
      * Dropped all references to Resque
      * Moved all jobs under app/workers since that's the Sidekiq convention
      * Renamed Jobs module to Worker to match new location
      * Adapted all jobs to Sidekiq
      * Replaced all enqueue calls with perform_async
      * Dropped Resque hacks from specs and features, replaced with
        sidekig/testing in RSpec and sidekig/testing/inline in Cucumber
      * Updated scripts to start a Sidekiq server
      * Inline Sidekiq sinatra app
      * Let Sidekiq create the actual Redis instance
      * Workaround already initialized constant warnings in service models
      * Resolved ToDo in one job definition by creating proper exception clases
        for some errors in receiving posts
      * Added sidekiq section to configuration to make it completly
        configurable to the user
      * Add Sidekiq middleware for clean backtraces
      * Delay HttpMulti retry to give offline pods a chance to come back up
      * Do not retry on GUID already taken and alike errors
      * Be graceful about deleted posts in GatherOEmbedData
  16. mars 04, 2013
  17. fév. 26, 2013
  18. fév. 21, 2013
  19. fév. 17, 2013
    • Florian Staudacher's avatar
      [WIP] aspect membership dropdown Backbone.js rework · 4cbae601
      Florian Staudacher a rédigé
      * initial backbone port
      * changed AspectMembershipsController#destroy to use aspect_membership_id
      * included rudimentary jasmine specs
      * more specs, updating the list elements after de-/selection
      * update selected aspect count on button
      * don't even try to render html in AspectMembershipsController
      * more specs for button summary text
      * adapt aspect management on contacts page and in the popup boxes
      * adapt inline creation of aspects + memberships
      * more tests
  20. fév. 01, 2013
  21. jan. 27, 2013
  22. jan. 12, 2013
  23. jan. 11, 2013
  24. déc. 28, 2012
    • Florian Staudacher's avatar
      re-add hovercards · 0092acd4
      Florian Staudacher a rédigé
      * added a presenter for hovercard json
      * added new backbone view for handling hovercard JS
      * refactoring of PeopleController
      * finished the backbone js version of hovercards
      * don't try to make people_controller more restfull, out of scope
        just add a new route and use that for hovercard json
      * added spec for people_controller#hovercard
      * add new exception for "AccountClosed" to be able to raise from anywhere
      * removed legacy code, since everything got ported to backbone
        (except the "cache" stuff, but that's not strictly necessary)
  25. déc. 26, 2012
  26. déc. 23, 2012
  27. nov. 25, 2012
  28. nov. 21, 2012
  29. nov. 12, 2012
  30. nov. 11, 2012
  31. nov. 10, 2012
  32. nov. 08, 2012
  33. oct. 14, 2012
Chargement en cours