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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. fév. 28, 2015
  2. nov. 13, 2014
  3. oct. 17, 2014
  4. août 23, 2014
  5. août 17, 2014
  6. mars 31, 2014
  7. déc. 05, 2013
  8. mars 15, 2013
  9. oct. 19, 2012
  10. sept. 26, 2012
    • Jonne Haß's avatar
      New configuration system · 2a4db54d
      Jonne Haß a rédigé
      * Throw away old system
      * Add new system
      * Add new example files
      * Replace all calls
      * add the most important docs
      * Add Specs
      * rename disable_ssl_requirement to require_ssl
      * cloudfiles isn't used/called in our code
      * since community_spotlight.list is only used as enable flag replace it with such one and remove all legacy and irelevant codepaths around it
      * die if session secret is unset and on heroku
      * First basic infrastructure for version information
  11. août 28, 2012
  12. mai 11, 2012
  13. mars 28, 2012
    • Steven Hancock's avatar
      Move Javascript to the asset pipeline · 1aa0b15c
      Steven Hancock a rédigé
      * Move all Diaspora-specific javascripts to app/assets/javascripts
      * Move all vendored javascripts to vendor/assets/javascripts
      * Add the appropriate Sprockets require directives to make sure
        everything gets included in the right order
      * Remove Jammit dependencies
      * Fix all templates that were using Jammit's include_javascripts helper
      * Add handlebars_assets gem for compiling Handlebars templates
      * Move all Handlebars templates to app/assets/templates and rename
        from .handlebars to .jst.hbs (this is to keep them in the same
        global JST namespace that they were in under Jammit)
      * Add public/assets to .gitignore since these files can and should
        be re-generated by Heroku or Capistrano during each deploy
      * Fix a few Handlebars templates that were looking for images in the
        wrong location (I'm sure there are others, but it's late)
      * Configure application.rb to precompile all javascript and css assets
        that were compiled by Jammit in the Rails 3.0 code
  14. fév. 01, 2012
  15. jan. 23, 2012
  16. jan. 17, 2012
  17. jan. 06, 2012
  18. sept. 13, 2011
  19. sept. 07, 2011
  20. août 25, 2011
  21. août 01, 2011
  22. juin 14, 2011
  23. juin 03, 2011
  24. juin 02, 2011
  25. mai 29, 2011
    • Sarah Mei's avatar
      Switching to settingslogic to manage our configuration. THE FILE FORMAT HAS... · 31a5ef19
      Sarah Mei a rédigé
      Switching to settingslogic to manage our configuration. THE FILE FORMAT HAS CHANGED. OLD APP.YML AND APP_CONFIG.YML FILES WILL NOT WORK ANYMORE.
      Two important differences:
      1. The app only looks in one file for settings: config/application.yml. If you want to override something, do it in that file. It is gitignore'd. If config/application.yml does not exist, or exists but is in the old format, you'll get a nice friendly set of instructions on how to convert your old file.
      2. script/server settings are no longer in application.yml. They have their own settings file - copy config/script_server_config.yml.example to config/script_server_config.yml. This is also gitignore'd. script/server will print a message and exit if that file doesn't exist.
  26. mai 22, 2011
  27. mai 20, 2011
  28. mai 18, 2011
  29. avr. 27, 2011
  30. mars 02, 2011
  31. fév. 23, 2011
  32. fév. 18, 2011
  33. fév. 01, 2011
  34. jan. 31, 2011
  35. jan. 27, 2011
  36. jan. 18, 2011
  37. jan. 11, 2011
  38. jan. 10, 2011
Chargement en cours