- jan. 04, 2016
theworldbright a rédigé
augier a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
As according to http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#PairwiseAlg: "If the Client has not provided a value for sector_identifier_uri in Dynamic Client Registration [OpenID.Registration], the Sector Identifier used for pairwise identifier calculation is the host component of the registered redirect_uri."
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
augier a rédigé
augier a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
- Add foreign_keys - Remove unused classes/methods - Fix pronto errors - Add method to retrieve client id from name - Remove TODO comments - Fix unnecessary private key generation
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
Additionally add support for prompt's login option Signed-off-by:
theworldbright <kent@kentshikama.com>
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
augier a rédigé
augier a rédigé
augier a rédigé
augier a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
augier a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright <kent@kentshikama.com>
augier a rédigé
theworldbright a rédigé
theworldbright <kent@kentshikama.com>
theworldbright a rédigé
Squashed commits: [a182de7] Fix pronto/travis errors
theworldbright a rédigé
The route /api/v0/user/ will now be used as a non-OIDC route. In other words, the /api/v0/user/ will require the "read" scope while /api/openid_connect/user_info/ will require the "openid" scope