- oct. 11, 2011
Your Name a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
Daniel Grippi a rédigé
[PaperCut] Allow new lines (<br>)
Daniel Grippi a rédigé
Fix #2091 - Aspects selection on mobile
danielgrippi a rédigé
Jonne Hass a rédigé
The Lambda Calculus a rédigé
commit 740296e86fdd080e6e787c5c024a6b609782d82f Author: The Lambda Calculus <code@thelambdacalculus.net> Date: Mon Oct 10 16:49:35 2011 -0400 Wrote rspec for atom feed validation. [Finishes issue #1408] commit e2999cbe588bcb32f35f05120743627cf3b31f56 Author: The Lambda Calculus <code@thelambdacalculus.net> Date: Thu Sep 29 18:28:14 2011 -0400 Adjusted placement of invalid 'link' elements outside of 'author' element. Feed now validates, though warnings/suggestions still exist. [Issue #1408]
- oct. 10, 2011
danielgrippi a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
Manuel Schölling a rédigé
Dan Hansen a rédigé
Dan Hansen a rédigé
when resque tried to get the constant "Mail" from the "Jobs" module it got the inherited constant "Mail" (ruby gem) instead of Jobs::Mail
Dan Hansen a rédigé
This reverts commit f859904c.
Dan Hansen a rédigé
locally when Resque tried to constantize Jobs::Mail Object.const_get("Jobs") returned our Jobs module but when it tried to const_get("Mail") it returned the Mail gem. added copyright
Dan Hansen a rédigé
RFC2822 specifies that you use parentheses to denote a mailbox list. Use the addr-name spec to specify a display name and the from address. Check against the raw headers of the mail as @mail.from excludes the display name Extract shared logic between notifier methods
- oct. 09, 2011
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
- oct. 08, 2011
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
This becomes a problem when having this widget instantiated looking at the followed_tags stream With the former code de/selecting aspects was only refreshing the followed_tags stream, not loading aspect stream posts
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
With previous css selector two textareas where returned, causes reset of the post text when selecting new aspects for the second time on the left nav. Related to #2102
- oct. 07, 2011
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
fixed tags#show when tag is not found
Levente Bagi a rédigé
Bug introduced by commit 2b22e1da
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Reopen Publisher after changing Aspect selection if there is unsent text
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Pistos a rédigé
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
make the links on featued users tile be the tag with the name in the link. added a following count to tags
Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
danielgrippi a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Gonzalo Rodriguez a rédigé
Your Name a rédigé
Your Name a rédigé