- août 16, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- août 14, 2014
Błażej Pankowiak a rédigé
- août 13, 2014
op48 a rédigé
last input field is only deleted if there are more than three input fields and the last one is empty poll is validated only if the last input is empty, and the first three have been filled Removed duplicate remove last answer. Dont need to check that the last value is populated as we are ignoring last value Fixing poll step Placeholder text edited Fixed translations for poll answer placeholder text Removed numbers on publisher option Removed numbers in placeholder for poll answers
- août 11, 2014
op48 a rédigé
Removed add option button poll option can be added dynamically & last option removed if empty upon submission Poll answer can be added dynamically by losing focus poll option can be added dynamically & last option removed if empty upon submission refractored to avoid repetition of publisher:sync event poll option can be added dynamically & last option removed if empty upon submission Added a missing semicolon
- juin 01, 2014
Jonne Haß a rédigé
- mai 27, 2014
Jonne Haß a rédigé
- mai 24, 2014
Jonne Haß a rédigé
.html does not escape any html input in these, leading to XSS attack vectors. Thanks to A Kai (@sixhundredns) for reporting the related issues.
- avr. 22, 2014
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
- avr. 21, 2014
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
- avr. 11, 2014
flaburgan a rédigé
- avr. 07, 2014
goobertron a rédigé
Update cukes to be text-independent Update changelog
Hincu Petru a rédigé
- avr. 06, 2014
Hincu Petru a rédigé
- avr. 04, 2014
Hincu Petru a rédigé
- avr. 02, 2014
Hincu Petru a rédigé
- mars 31, 2014
Jannik Streek a rédigé
Hincu Petru a rédigé
- mars 30, 2014
- mars 19, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- mars 10, 2014
Sean Brant a rédigé
- mars 07, 2014
Anton Ilin a rédigé
It seems that loading of stream is not completed before trying to activate hovercard. I do not want to add explicit pause to the scenarion. Let's check link presence before activating hovercard.
Anton Ilin a rédigé
Actually, I just trying to make this feature pass.
Anton Ilin a rédigé
Anton Ilin a rédigé
Let's use methods provided by capybara whenever possible.
Anton Ilin a rédigé
Coverage with tests is necessary for every feature
- mars 05, 2014
flaburgan a rédigé
- fév. 23, 2014
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
- fév. 15, 2014
- fév. 09, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
flaburgan a rédigé
goobertron a rédigé
Fix redirect to stream, make labels lower-case Fix cuke
goobertron a rédigé
- jan. 30, 2014
arlogn a rédigé
- jan. 25, 2014
Jonne Haß a rédigé
Also reuse comment step for comment deletion cuke. This effectively masks failures of the comment deletion cuke until we find a real solution.
Jonne Haß a rédigé
in features/desktop/aspect_navigation.feature:18 we quickly leave the page before waiting for the request to finish. By making the HTTP call synchronous we wait for it to finish before we reflect the change in the DOM, thus giving Capybara a chance to wait for it. Also let Capybara wait longer. This should random failures of the aforementioned cuke rarer.
- jan. 17, 2014
Steffen van Bergerem a rédigé
- jan. 16, 2014
Florian Staudacher a rédigé
- updates underscore to 1.5.2 and backbone to 1.1.0 backbone had some breaking changes: - fix url/urlRoot handling in models & collections - options are no longer attached to the view by default - collections reset when 'fetch' is called, tell it to keep the existing models other changes: - fix some events triggering multiple times in connection with deleting a model - use document fragments instead of an element array for stream entries - adapt jasmine and cucumber specs to the changed code * no longer test the backbone router as part of our code * jasmine factory already returns model instances, no need to wrap that again