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  • master par défaut protégée
  • v0.7.17.0-facil
  • v0.7.16.0-facil
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Nov224Oct2017Sep48Jul24Jun141328Mar212012Feb1127Jan2225Oct1Sep6Jul4325Jun1724May13121153130Apr28272630Mar26Feb1914Jan137628Dec25Nov2019181784228Oct2715148430Sep86524Aug20Jul17131130Jun2720181616May330Apr2316121025Mar2218161210727Feb25221710983131Jan211298530Dec262524181Nov27Oct2120181728Sep261918174331AugGHA: Run Jasmine in separate, time limited step for nowUpgrade docker image to ruby 2.6 and debian busterCleanup dependencies in docker imagebump jasmine to 3.6.0cucumber: don't fail on flaky tests, fail-fastdrop coverallsgithub actions ci: don't stop other jobs in matrix if one failsUpdate poduptime link to diaspora only listupdate poduptime to diaspora list in readmeMigrate from Travis to Github ActionsIn single post view deleting a comment updates the counterbump kostya-sigar to 2.0.8Switch to toml-rb gemDrop springAdd chat configuration to diaspora.toml.exampleMigrate configuration to TOMLbundler: disable post install messages in productionupdated 9 locale files [ci skip]Merge branch 'master' into next-minorMerge branch 'release/'updated 6 locale files [ci skip]Start cycle.Merge pull request #8130 from denschub/gem-updatesBump RailsIssue #8119 - Add length validation to a profile's gender field.Bump ruby version to 2.6, drop support of 2.3Bump octokit to 4.18.0 ... 4.17.0 was yanked :(Remove links to deleted profiles in admin user statsupdate rails-timeago to 2.18.0use latest ruby patch releases on travisupdate rqrcode to 1.1.2update rubocop to 0.80.1 and rubocop-rails to 2.4.1update twitter to 7.0.0update simple_captcha2 to 0.5.0update sidekiq to 5.2.8update asset_sync to 2.11.0update acts-as-taggable-on to 6.5.0update activerecord-import to 1.0.4update omniauth to 1.9.1update will_paginate to 3.3.0
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