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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Mar232118171612654219Feb18171615141312118531Jan29282322191816151413111074314Dec13842130Nov29282726252423221918171514131263230Oct28272624231817130Sep28252018131211109654127Aug2322212019181716Comment mentions front-endMerge branch 'next-minor' into developClose popovers before submitting the publisher to avoid random failuresCheck the publisher is closed when submitted, test it is expanded when filledMerge branch 'next-minor' into developAdd Discourse, remove Loomio, remove mailinglists [ci skip]Merge branch 'next-minor' into developCheck for modal invitation titleMerge branch 'next-minor' into developAdd links to liked and commented pages within My activityMerge branch 'next-minor' into developFix block user failing featureMerge pull request #7303 from cmrd-senya/jquery3app_spec fixesjQuery 3 integrationMerge branch 'next-minor' into developIn jQuery 3 "#" is disallowed as a selectori18n for color themesCapitalisation of colour themesMerge branch 'next-minor' into developMerge branch 'master' into next-minorMerge branch 'release/'updated 27 locale files [ci skip]Merge branch 'next-minor' into developsome more replacements for deprecated jquery methodsdon't use the deprecated ".selector" methoda missing spyMerge branch 'next-minor' into developremove unused setPreload functionMerge pull request #7331 from SuperTux88/fix-mentioned-in-comments-notificationsMove 'distinct' to 'allowed_to_be_mentioned_in_a_comment_to'Merge branch 'next-minor' into developDisable Rails/HttpPositionalArguments copMerge branch 'next-minor' into developStart cycleMerge branch 'next-minor' into developPin thor to prevent accidental upgradesCreate asterisk.png without digest after precompileMerge branch 'next-minor' into developBump faraday and twitter
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