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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Oct2624231817130Sep28252018131211109654127Aug23222120191817161514131211109875131Jul201817151211987654330Jun292827262120Bump secure_headersMerge branch 'next-minor' into developBump diaspora_federationRemove empty pod and make pod host NOT NULLMerge branch 'next-minor' into developShow error messages from server when aspect membership changes failMerge branch 'next-minor' into developRefactor conversations creationFix mobile conversation alertsAdd JavaScript for mobile alertsMerge branch 'next-minor' into developFix ID token issuer field to match discovery dataMerge branch 'next-minor' into developAdd user setting for default post visibilityMerge branch 'next-minor' into developFix message modal on profile pageMerge branch 'next-minor' into developHide "Follow #tag" button on tag page if not logged inMerge branch 'next-minor' into developRemove sinatra dependencyMerge branch 'next-minor' into developBump will_paginateBump uglifierBump springBump sidekiq-cronBump sidekiqBump rspec-railsBump respondersBump markdown-it-sanitizerBump markdown-itBump highlightjsBump prontoBump poltergeistBump pgBump nokogiriBump addressable and json-schemaBump jqueryBump jasmineBump hamlitBump haml_lint
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