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  • master par défaut protégée
  • v0.7.17.0-facil
  • v0.7.16.0-facil
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011Oct10989878767656543432130Sep2928272627262524232221201918171817161516151413141312131213121112111211101110989876765454543212131AugMerge pull request #2111 from vcuculo/fix-mobile-selecttouch up headerMerge branch 'master' of git:// locales and added sq, uk and en_1337Squashed commit of the following:DG MS; added more feedback to photo uploaderDG MS; fixed tags autocomplete styling and jsAllow new lines (<br>)Mail doesn't seem to like the name-addr spec from RFC2822load mail jobs in an initializer so Resque::Helper.constantize doesn't throw UninitializedConstantRevert "change namespace from Mail to Mailers"change namespace from Mail to MailersRFC2822 specifies that you use parentheses to denote a mailbox list. Use the addr-name spec to specify a display name and the from address.Remember last selected aspects through the sessionFix notifications cukeExplicitly specify order of comments, since we cannot assume MySQL ordering (which is by id).Refactor selected aspects ui setupFixes omniauth & rack-1.2 bug #18241 new notifications must be 1 new notificationAdd cuke that tests #2102. Change aspects in the middle of posting.Refactor syntax on some cukesClarify cucumber step definitionFix stops_following_users cukeAlways request aspects, not current locationSelect correct publisher textareaMerge pull request #2137 from bagilevi/fix-tags-controllerfixed tags#show when tag is not foundMerge pull request #2135 from Pistos/issue-2102-post-buttons-disappearfix some cases where the parent is nil in relayable retractionsstrip whitespace in name callReopen Publisher after changing Aspect selection if there is unsent text in the Publisher.make the links on featued users tile be the tag with the name in the link. added a following count to tagsmove featured users sidebar downRemember selected aspects when refreshing the page. #2120remove hidden posts from the cache; add unhidden posts to the cacheAvoid crashing if no featured users are configuredTiny refactor on left_nav styles. More needed.make tags links on featured usersfix dumb post specassert that prep_opts works; reference BaseStream types in lieu of subclassed AspectStream's
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