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  • master par défaut protégée
  • v0.7.17.0-facil
  • v0.7.16.0-facil
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Mar2423222120191817161716151413121112111211121110111098765432128Feb272625242324232221201920191817161514151413121312updated localesadded logo to atom feedfixed another migration for ruby 1.9, thanks blast_hardcheeseUpdate Catalan translation to 7a315312.updated localescleaned up craziness in users and likes routing, fixed #961fix cucumber, commentsfixed comment socket bug on posts where there are no new comment areasscroll to post on page if you can see it (via notification popup)Initial contacts_of_contact pagemade the manage email prefs workfixed tag ordering in stream_element partialadded location to the profileLimit similar contacts, need a see all pagemoved the tooltips to be under the iconsadded tooltips to the service iconsfix gradient direction on add/remove buttonsfix cucumberRemove unneeded callbackfixed aspect selector bug in headeradded a dependant destroy to the service_usersadded a flash noticeCheck for nil in facebook finderthis should fix the getting started, going to test on staging firstTake out extra callbackJust enqueue a job on service create for now, since our queues are empty. Resque status will let us run the job and show the user a spinny without locking up a thinAdd after_create to queue an updateserviceusers job on service create. We'll see how it worksremoved the services from seedrenamed home to all aspects in header, made clicking aspect names on right trigger filteringsort contacts by name, not by a potentially nil fieldMerge branch 'master' of is not the way to indicate a pending jasmine spec. >.< Try xit and xdescribe instead!on aspect edit the contacts are now sorted by first nameautofocus username on login pagefix tab order in publisher; removed 'to mention...' textfixed private mention popup in firefoxadded text to private message notification; user picture in popupPerhaps the silent upgrade of selenium-webdriver freaked out CI. Let's see.updated localesmoar translatable
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