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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Jul127Apr265Mar12Feb1123Nov630Oct25119Sep1816Aug26Jul4330Jun28271318Apr17111021Feb14830Dec4Nov224Oct2017Sep48Jul24Jun141328Mar212012Feb1127Jan2225Oct1Sep6Jul4325Jun1724May13121153130Apr28272630Mar26Feb1914Jan137628Dec25Nov2019181784228Oct2715148430Sep86524Aug20Jul17131130Jun2720181616May330Apr2316121025Mar22181612107Update README.mdmastermasterMettre à jour README.mdMerge branch 'next-minor'v0.7.17.0-facilv0.7.17.0-facilMerge pull request #8351 into next-minorMerge pull request #8350 into next-minorDo not allow to mass assign OTP fields on user edit pagebump rails to 5.2.7Do not allow the user to mass assign their own password alongside otherMerge branch 'main' into next-minorAdd dedicated't suggest to retry exports on failure.Start cycleMerge branch 'next-minor'v0.7.16.0-facilv0.7.16.0-facilupdated 25 locale files [ci skip]Bump rails to fix CVE-2022-23633Use old person private key if relayable author migrated awayMigrate remote_photo_path and cleanup old photo uploadsAdd sharing status in hovercards, fixes #6542Refactor hovercards, fixes #8315Add a max-width to user name in the header, fixes #7676Merge pull request #8318 from SuperTux88/update-gemsBump omniauthBump indirect dependency gemsBump will_paginateBump webmockBump toml-rbBump terserBump sidekiqBump secure_headersBump rubyzipBump rspec-railsBump rqrcodeBump redisBump openid_connectBump nokogiriBump js-routesBump jasmineBump hamlitBump fog-awsBump faraday_middleware and faraday-cookie_jar
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