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 * Piwik - Open source web analytics
 * @link
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 * @license GPL v3 or later
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 * @category Piwik
 * @package Piwik

 * CSV export
 * When rendered using the default settings, a CSV report has the following characteristics:
 * The first record contains headers for all the columns in the report.
 * All rows have the same number of columns.
 * The default field delimiter string is a comma (,).
 * Formatting and layout are ignored.
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 * @package Piwik
 * @subpackage Piwik_DataTable
class Piwik_DataTable_Renderer_Csv extends Piwik_DataTable_Renderer
	 * Column separator
	 * @var string
	public $separator = ",";
	 * Line end 
	 * @var string
	public $lineEnd = "\n";
	 * 'metadata' columns will be exported, prefixed by 'metadata_'
	 * @var bool
	public $exportMetadata = true;
	 * Converts the content to unicode so that UTF8 characters (eg. chinese) can be imported in Excel
	 * @var bool
	public $convertToUnicode = true;
	 * idSubtable will be exported in a column called 'idsubdatatable'
	 * @var bool
	public $exportIdSubtable = true;
	public function render()
		$str = $this->renderTable($this->table);
			return 'No data available';

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			&& function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
			$str = chr(255) . chr(254) . mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
		return $str;
	function renderException()
		$exceptionMessage = self::renderHtmlEntities($this->exception->getMessage());
		return 'Error: '.$exceptionMessage;
	public function setConvertToUnicode($bool)
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		$this->convertToUnicode = $bool;
	public function setSeparator($separator)
		$this->separator = $separator;
	protected function renderTable($table, &$allColumns = array() )
		if($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array)
			foreach($table->getArray() as $currentLinePrefix => $dataTable)
				$returned = explode("\n",$this->renderTable($dataTable, $allColumns));
				// get rid of the columns names
				$returned = array_slice($returned,1);
				// case empty datatable we dont print anything in the CSV export
				// when in xml we would output <result date="2008-01-15" />
					foreach($returned as &$row)
						$row = $currentLinePrefix . $this->separator . $row;
					$str .= "\n" .  implode("\n", $returned);
			// prepend table key to column list
			$allColumns = array_merge(array($table->getKeyName() => true), $allColumns);
			// add header to output string
			$str = $this->getHeaderLine(array_keys($allColumns)).$str;
			$str = $this->renderDataTable($table, $allColumns);
	protected function renderDataTable( $table, &$allColumns = array() )
		if($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Simple)
			$row = $table->getFirstRow();
			if($row !== false)
				$columnNameToValue = $row->getColumns();
				if(count($columnNameToValue) == 1)
					// simple tables should only have one column, the value
					$allColumns['value'] = true;
					$value = array_values($columnNameToValue);
					$str = 'value' . $this->lineEnd . $this->formatValue($value[0]);
					return $str;
		foreach($table->getRows() as $row)
			$csvRow = array();
			$columns = $row->getColumns();
			foreach($columns as $name => $value)
				//goals => array( 'idgoal=1' =>array(..), 'idgoal=2' => array(..))
					foreach($value as $key => $subValues)
							foreach($subValues as $subKey => $subValue)
								if ($this->translateColumnNames)
									$subName = $name != 'goals' ? $name . ' ' . $key
											: Piwik_Translate('Goals_GoalX', $key);
									$columnName = $this->translateColumnName($subKey)
											.' ('. $subName . ')';
									// goals_idgoal=1
									$columnName = $name . "_" . $key . "_" . $subKey;
								$allColumns[$columnName] = true;
								$csvRow[$columnName] = $subValue;
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					$csvRow[$name] = $value;
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				$metadata = $row->getMetadata();
				foreach($metadata as $name => $value)
					if($name == 'idsubdatatable_in_db') {
					//if a metadata and a column have the same name make sure they dont overwrite
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						$name = Piwik_Translate('General_Metadata').': '.$name;
						$name = 'metadata_'.$name;
					$allColumns[$name] = true;
					$csvRow[$name] = $value;
				$idsubdatatable = $row->getIdSubDataTable();
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				if($idsubdatatable !== false
					&& $this->hideIdSubDatatable === false)
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			$csv[] = $csvRow;
		// now we make sure that all the rows in the CSV array have all the columns
		foreach($csv as &$row)
			foreach($allColumns as $columnName => $true)
					$row[$columnName] = '';
		$str = '';		
		// specific case, we have only one column and this column wasn't named properly (indexed by a number)
		// we don't print anything in the CSV file => an empty line
		if(sizeof($allColumns) == 1 
			&& reset($allColumns) 
			&& !is_string(key($allColumns)))
			$str .= '';
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			// render row names
			$str .= $this->getHeaderLine(array_keys($allColumns)).$this->lineEnd;
		// we render the CSV
		foreach($csv as $theRow)
			$rowStr = '';
			foreach($allColumns as $columnName => $true)
				$rowStr .= $this->formatValue($theRow[$columnName]) . $this->separator;
			// remove the last separator
			$rowStr = substr_replace($rowStr,"",-strlen($this->separator));
			$str .= $rowStr . $this->lineEnd;
		$str = substr($str, 0, -strlen($this->lineEnd));
		return $str;
	 * Returns the CSV header line for a set of metrics. Will translate columns if desired.
	 * @param array $columnMetrics
	 * @return array
	private function getHeaderLine( $columnMetrics )
		if ($this->translateColumnNames)
			$columnMetrics = $this->translateColumnNames($columnMetrics);
		return implode($this->separator, $columnMetrics);

	protected function formatValue($value)
			&& !is_numeric($value)) 
			$value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
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			&& (strpos($value, '"') !== false 
				|| strpos($value, $this->separator) !== false )
			$value = '"'. str_replace('"', '""', $value). '"';
		// in some number formats (e.g. German), the decimal separator is a comma
		// we need to catch and replace this
		if (is_numeric($value))
			$value = (string) $value;
			$value = str_replace(',', '.', $value);
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	protected function renderHeader()
		$fileName = 'Piwik '.Piwik_Translate('General_Export');
		$period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', false);
		$date = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', false);
		if ($period || $date) // in test cases, there are no request params set
			if ($period == 'range')
				$period = new Piwik_Period_Range($period, $date);
			else if (strpos($date, ',') !== false)
				$period = new Piwik_Period_Range('range', $date);
				$period = Piwik_Period::factory($period, Piwik_Date::factory($date));
			$prettyDate = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
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			$meta = $this->getApiMetaData();
			$fileName .= ' _ '.$meta['name']
					.' _ '.$prettyDate.'.csv';
		// silent fail otherwise unit tests fail
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		@header('Content-Type: application/');
		@header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$fileName.'"');
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