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IntegrationTestCase.php 39,6 ko
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  • <?php
     * Piwik - Open source web analytics
     * @link
     * @license GPL v3 or later
     * @version $Id$
    require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/libs/PiwikTracker/PiwikTracker.php';
     * Base class for Integration tests.
     * Provides helpers to track data and then call API get* methods to check outputs automatically.
    abstract class IntegrationTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
         * Identifies the last language used in an API/Controller call.
         * @var string
        protected $lastLanguage;
        public static function setUpBeforeClass()
            try {
                $dbConfig = Piwik_Config::getInstance()->database;
                $dbName = $dbConfig['dbname'];
                $dbConfig['dbname'] = null;
            } catch(Exception $e) {
                self::fail("TEST INITIALIZATION FAILED: " .$e->getMessage());
            include "DataFiles/SearchEngines.php";
            include "DataFiles/Languages.php";
            include "DataFiles/Countries.php";
            include "DataFiles/Currencies.php";
            include "DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php";
            // We need to be SU to create websites for tests
            // Load and install plugins
            $pluginsManager = Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance();
            $plugins = $pluginsManager->readPluginsDirectory();
            $pluginsManager->loadPlugins( $plugins );
            $_GET = $_REQUEST = array();
            $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = '';
            // Make sure translations are loaded to check messages in English
            Piwik_LanguagesManager_API::getInstance()->setLanguageForUser('superUserLogin', 'en');
            // List of Modules, or Module.Method that should not be called as part of the XML output compare
            // Usually these modules either return random changing data, or are already tested in specific unit tests.
            self::setApiToCall( array());
        public static function tearDownAfterClass()
            try {
                $plugins = Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->getLoadedPlugins();
                foreach($plugins AS $plugin) {
            } catch (Exception $e) {}
            Piwik_TablePartitioning::$tablesAlreadyInstalled = null;
            Piwik_PDFReports_API::$cache = array();
            $_GET = $_REQUEST = array();
            // re-enable tag cloud shuffling
            Piwik_Visualization_Cloud::$debugDisableShuffle = true;
        public function setUp()
        protected static $apiToCall = array();
        protected static $apiNotToCall = array();
        public static $defaultApiNotToCall = array(
        const DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD = 'nopass';
         * Forces the test to only call and fetch XML for the specified plugins,
         * or exact API methods.
         * If not called, all default tests will be executed.
         * @param array $apiToCall array( 'ExampleAPI', 'Plugin.getData' )
         * @throws Exception
         * @return void
        protected static function setApiToCall( $apiToCall )
            if(func_num_args() != 1)
                throw new Exception('setApiToCall expects an array');
                $apiToCall = array($apiToCall);
         * Sets a list of API methods to not call during the test
         * @param string $apiNotToCall eg. 'ExampleAPI.getPiwikVersion'
         * @return void
        protected static function setApiNotToCall( $apiNotToCall )
                $apiNotToCall = array($apiNotToCall);
            self::$apiNotToCall = $apiNotToCall;
         * Returns a PiwikTracker object that you can then use to track pages or goals.
         * @param         $idSite
         * @param         $dateTime
         * @param boolean $defaultInit If set to true, the tracker object will have default IP, user agent, time, resolution, etc.
         * @return PiwikTracker
        public static function getTracker($idSite, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true )
            $t = new PiwikTracker( $idSite, self::getTrackerUrl());
                // Optional tracking
                $t->setUserAgent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)");
                $t->setLocalTime( '12:34:06' );
                $t->setResolution( 1024, 768 );
                $t->setPlugins($flash = true, $java = true, $director = false);
            return $t;
         * Creates a website, then sets its creation date to a day earlier than specified dateTime
         * Useful to create a website now, but force data to be archived back in the past.
         * @param string  $dateTime eg '2010-01-01 12:34:56'
         * @param int     $ecommerce
         * @param string  $siteName
         * @return int    idSite of website created
        public static function createWebsite( $dateTime, $ecommerce = 0, $siteName = 'Piwik test' )
            $idSite = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->addSite(
                $ips = null,
                $excludedQueryParameters = null,
                $timezone = null,
                $currency = null
            // Manually set the website creation date to a day earlier than the earliest day we record stats for
                array('ts_created' => Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->subDay(1)->getDatetime()),
                "idsite = $idSite"
            // Clear the memory Website cache
            return $idSite;
    	 * Create one MAIL and two MOBILE scheduled reports
    	 * Reports sent by mail can contain PNG graphs when the user specifies it.
    	 * Depending on the system under test, generated images differ slightly.
    	 * Because of this discrepancy, PNG graphs are only tested if the system under test
    	 * has the characteristics described in 'canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports'
    	 * @see canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports
    	 * @param int $idSite id of website created
    	protected static function setUpScheduledReports($idSite)
    		$includeImages = self::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports();
    		// fake access is needed so API methods can call Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), e.g: 'PDFReports.addReport'
    		$pseudoMockAccess = new FakeAccess;
    		FakeAccess::$superUser = true;
    		Zend_Registry::set('access', $pseudoMockAccess);
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    		// retrieve available reports
    		$availableReportMetadata = Piwik_PDFReports_API::getReportMetadata($idSite, Piwik_PDFReports::EMAIL_TYPE);
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    		$availableReportIds = array();
    		foreach($availableReportMetadata as $reportMetadata)
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    			$availableReportIds[] = $reportMetadata['uniqueId'];
    		//@review should we also test evolution graphs?
    		// set-up mail report
    			'Mail Test report',
    			'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports()
    			Piwik_ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT, // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports()
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    			array("displayFormat" => $includeImages ? Piwik_PDFReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_TABLES_AND_GRAPHS : Piwik_PDFReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_TABLES_ONLY)
    		// set-up sms report for one website
    			'SMS Test report, one website',
    			'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports()
    		// set-up sms report for all websites
    			'SMS Test report, all websites',
    			'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports()
    	protected function alertWhenImagesExcludedFromTests()
    				'Do take note that scheduled reports are not being tested with images. ' .
    					'If images contained in scheduled reports have been altered, tests will fail on the Piwik QA Server. ' .
    					'To include images in the test suite, please use a machine with the following specifications :' // TODO update with new Piwik QA Server
    	 * Return true if system under test has the following characteristics :
    	 *  - // TODO update doc with new Piwik QA Server technical characteristics
    	private static function canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports()
    		// TODO update to match new Piwik QA Server
    		$gdInfo = gd_info();
    			stristr(php_uname(),'Linux precise32') &&
    			phpversion() == '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2' &&
    			$gdInfo['GD Version'] == '2.0';
    	 * Return 4 Api Urls for testing scheduled reports :
    	 * - one in HTML format with all available reports
    	 * - one in PDF format with all available reports
    	 * - two in SMS (one for each available report: MultiSites.getOne & MultiSites.getAll)
    	 * @param string $dateTime eg '2010-01-01 12:34:56'
    	 * @param string $period eg 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
    	protected static function getApiForTestingScheduledReports($dateTime, $period)
    		$reportContentPostfix = self::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports() ? '_tables_and_graph' : '_tables_only';
    		return array(
    			// HTML Scheduled Report
    					'testSuffix' => '_scheduled_report_in_html' . $reportContentPostfix,
    					'date' => $dateTime,
    					'periods' => array($period),
    					'format' => 'original',
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    					'fileExtension' => 'html',
    					'otherRequestParameters' => array(
    						'idReport' => 1,
    						'reportFormat' => Piwik_ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT,
    						'outputType' => Piwik_PDFReports_API::OUTPUT_RETURN
    			// PDF Scheduled Report
    					'testSuffix' => '_scheduled_report_in_pdf' . $reportContentPostfix,
    					'date' => $dateTime,
    					'periods' => array($period),
    					'format' => 'original',
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    					'fileExtension' => 'pdf',
    					'otherRequestParameters' => array(
    						'idReport' => 1,
    						'reportFormat' => Piwik_ReportRenderer::PDF_FORMAT,
    						'outputType' => Piwik_PDFReports_API::OUTPUT_RETURN
    			// SMS Scheduled Report, one site
    					'testSuffix' => '_scheduled_report_via_sms_one_site',
    					'date' => $dateTime,
    					'periods' => array($period),
    					'format' => 'original',
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    					'fileExtension' => 'sms.txt',
    					'otherRequestParameters' => array(
    						'idReport' => 2,
    						'outputType' => Piwik_PDFReports_API::OUTPUT_RETURN
    			// SMS Scheduled Report, all sites
    					'testSuffix' => '_scheduled_report_via_sms_all_sites',
    					'date' => $dateTime,
    					'periods' => array($period),
    					'format' => 'original',
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    					'fileExtension' => 'sms.txt',
    					'otherRequestParameters' => array(
    						'idReport' => 3,
    						'outputType' => Piwik_PDFReports_API::OUTPUT_RETURN
         * Checks that the response is a GIF image as expected.
         * Will fail the test if the response is not the expected GIF
         * @param $response
        protected static function checkResponse($response)
            $expectedResponse = base64_decode($trans_gif_64);
            self::assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response, "Expected GIF beacon, got: <br/>\n" . $response ."<br/>\n");
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    	 * Returns URL to Piwik root.
    sgiehl's avatar
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    	 * @return string
    	protected static function getRootUrl()
    		$piwikUrl = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName();
    		$pathBeforeRoot = 'tests';
    		// Running from a plugin
    		if(strpos($piwikUrl, 'plugins/') !== false)
    			$pathBeforeRoot = 'plugins';
    sgiehl's avatar
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    		$piwikUrl = substr($piwikUrl, 0, strpos($piwikUrl, $pathBeforeRoot.'/'));
    		return $piwikUrl;
    sgiehl's avatar
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    	 * Returns URL to the proxy script, used to ensure piwik.php
    	 * uses the test environment, and allows variable overwriting
    	 * @return string
    	protected static function getTrackerUrl()
    		return self::getRootUrl().'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/piwik.php';
    	 * Returns the super user token auth that can be used in tests. Can be used to
    	 * do bulk tracking.
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    	 * @return string
    	public static function getTokenAuth()
            // get token auth
    	    $pwd = Zend_Registry::get('config')->superuser->password;
    	    if(strlen($pwd) != 32) $pwd = md5($pwd);
    sgiehl's avatar
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    	    return Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getTokenAuth(
    	        Zend_Registry::get('config')->superuser->login, $pwd);
         * Given a list of default parameters to set, returns the URLs of APIs to call
         * If any API was specified in setApiToCall() we ensure only these are tested.
         * If any API is set as excluded (see list below) then it will be ignored.
         * @param array       $parametersToSet Parameters to set in api call
         * @param array       $formats         Array of 'format' to fetch from API
         * @param array       $periods         Array of 'period' to query API
    sgiehl's avatar
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         * @param bool        $supertableApi
         * @param bool        $setDateLastN    If set to true, the 'date' parameter will be rewritten to query instead a range of dates, rather than one period only.
         * @param bool|string $language        2 letter language code, defaults to default piwik language
         * @param bool|string $segment
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         * @param bool|string $fileExtension
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         * @throws Exception
         * @return array of API URLs query strings
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        protected function generateUrlsApi( $parametersToSet, $formats, $periods, $supertableApi = false, $setDateLastN = false, $language = false, $segment = false, $fileExtension = false )
            // Get the URLs to query against the API for all functions starting with get*
            $skipped = $requestUrls = array();
            $apiMetadata = new Piwik_API_DocumentationGenerator;
            foreach(Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info)
                $moduleName = Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
                foreach($info as $methodName => $infoMethod)
                    $apiId = $moduleName.'.'.$methodName;
                    // If Api to test were set, we only test these
                        && in_array($moduleName, self::$apiToCall) === false
                        && in_array($apiId, self::$apiToCall) === false)
                        $skipped[] = $apiId;
                    // Excluded modules from test
                        ((strpos($methodName, 'get') !== 0 && $methodName != 'generateReport')
                            || in_array($moduleName, self::$apiNotToCall) === true
                            || in_array($apiId, self::$apiNotToCall) === true
                            || $methodName == 'getLogoUrl'
                            || $methodName == 'getHeaderLogoUrl'
                        $skipped[] = $apiId;
                    foreach($periods as $period)
                        $parametersToSet['period'] = $period;
                        // If date must be a date range, we process this date range by adding 6 periods to it
                                $parametersToSet['dateRewriteBackup'] = $parametersToSet['date'];
                            $lastCount = (int)$setDateLastN;
                            if($setDateLastN === true)
                                $lastCount = 6;
                            $firstDate = $parametersToSet['dateRewriteBackup'];
                            $secondDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+$lastCount " . $period . "s", strtotime($firstDate)));
                            $parametersToSet['date'] = $firstDate . ',' . $secondDate;
                        // Set response language
                        if($language !== false)
                            $parametersToSet['language'] = $language;
                        // set idSubtable if subtable API is set
                        if ($supertableApi !== false)
                        	$request = new Piwik_API_Request(array(
                        		'module' => 'API',
                        		'method' => $supertableApi,
                        		'idSite' => $parametersToSet['idSite'],
                        		'period' => $parametersToSet['period'],
                        		'date' => $parametersToSet['date'],
                        		'format' => 'php',
                        		'serialize' => 0,
                        	// find first row w/ subtable
                        	foreach ($request->process() as $row)
                        		if (isset($row['idsubdatatable']))
                        			$parametersToSet['idSubtable'] = $row['idsubdatatable'];
                        	// if no subtable found, throw
                        	if (!isset($parametersToSet['idSubtable']))
    	                    	throw new Exception(
    	                    		"Cannot find subtable to load for $apiId in $supertableApi.");
                        // Generate for each specified format
                        foreach($formats as $format)
                            $parametersToSet['format'] = $format;
                            $parametersToSet['hideIdSubDatable'] = 1;
                            $parametersToSet['serialize'] = 1;
                            $exampleUrl = $apiMetadata->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
                            if($exampleUrl === false)
                                $skipped[] = $apiId;
                            // Remove the first ? in the query string
                            $exampleUrl = substr($exampleUrl, 1);
                            $apiRequestId = $apiId;
                            if(strpos($exampleUrl, 'period=') !== false)
                                $apiRequestId .= '_' . $period;
                            $apiRequestId .= '.' . $format;
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    							$apiRequestId .= '.' . $fileExtension;
                            $requestUrls[$apiRequestId] = $exampleUrl;
            return $requestUrls;
         * Will return all api urls for the given data
         * @param string|array      $formats        String or array of formats to fetch from API
         * @param int|bool          $idSite         Id site
         * @param string|bool       $dateTime       Date time string of reports to request
         * @param array|bool|string $periods        String or array of strings of periods (day, week, month, year)
         * @param bool              $setDateLastN   When set to true, 'date' parameter passed to API request will be rewritten to query a range of dates rather than 1 date only
         * @param string|bool       $language       2 letter language code to request data in
         * @param string|bool       $segment        Custom Segment to query the data  for
         * @param string|bool       $visitorId      Only used for Live! API testing
         * @param bool              $abandonedCarts Only used in Goals API testing
         * @param bool              $idGoal
         * @param bool              $apiModule
         * @param bool              $apiAction
         * @param array             $otherRequestParameters
         * @param array|bool        $supertableApi
         * @param array|bool        $fileExtension
        protected function _generateApiUrls($formats = 'xml', $idSite = false, $dateTime = false, $periods = false,
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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    										 $setDateLastN = false, $language = false, $segment = false, $visitorId = false,
    										 $abandonedCarts = false, $idGoal = false, $apiModule = false, $apiAction = false,
    										 $otherRequestParameters = array(), $supertableApi = false, $fileExtension = false)
            list($pathProcessed, $pathExpected) = $this->getProcessedAndExpectedDirs();
            if($periods === false)
                $periods = 'day';
                $periods = array($periods);
                $formats = array($formats);
                $this->fail('To run the tests, you need to give write permissions to the following directory (create it if it doesn\'t exist).<code><br/>mkdir '. $pathProcessed.'<br/>chmod 777 '.$pathProcessed.'</code><br/>');
            $parametersToSet = array(
                'idSite'           => $idSite,
                'date'             => $periods == array('range') ? $dateTime : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateTime)),
                'expanded'         => '1',
                'piwikUrl'         => '',
                // Used in getKeywordsForPageUrl
                'url'              => '',
                // Used in Actions.getPageUrl, .getDownload, etc.
                // tied to Main.test.php doTest_oneVisitorTwoVisits
                // will need refactoring when these same API functions are tested in a new function
                'downloadUrl'      => ' is ignored when searching',
                'outlinkUrl'       => '',
                'pageUrl'          => ' is also ignored by default',
                'pageName'         => ' Checkout / Purchasing... ',
                // do not show the millisec timer in response or tests would always fail as value is changing
                'showTimer'        => 0,
                'language'         => $language ? $language : 'en',
                'abandonedCarts'   => $abandonedCarts ? 1 : 0,
                'idSites'          => $idSite,
            $parametersToSet = array_merge($parametersToSet, $otherRequestParameters);
            if(!empty($visitorId ))
                $parametersToSet['visitorId'] = $visitorId;
            if(!empty($apiModule ))
                $parametersToSet['apiModule'] = $apiModule;
                $parametersToSet['apiAction'] = $apiAction;
                $parametersToSet['segment'] = $segment;
            if($idGoal !== false)
                $parametersToSet['idGoal'] = $idGoal;
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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            $requestUrls = $this->generateUrlsApi($parametersToSet, $formats, $periods, $supertableApi, $setDateLastN, $language, $segment, $fileExtension);
        protected function _testApiUrl($testName, $apiId, $requestUrl)
            $isLiveMustDeleteDates = strpos($requestUrl, 'Live.getLastVisits') !== false;
            $request               = new Piwik_API_Request($requestUrl);
            $dateTime             = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', '', 'string', Piwik_Common::getArrayFromQueryString($requestUrl));
            list($processedFilePath, $expectedFilePath) = $this->getProcessedAndExpectedPaths($testName, $apiId);
            // Cast as string is important. For example when calling
            // with format=original, objects or php arrays can be returned.
            // we also hide errors to prevent the 'headers already sent' in the ResponseBuilder (which sends Excel headers multiple times eg.)
            $response = (string)$request->process();
            if ($isLiveMustDeleteDates) {
                $response = $this->removeAllLiveDatesFromXml($response);
    		// normalize date markups and document ID in pdf files :
    		// - /LastModified (D:20120820204023+00'00')
    		// - /CreationDate (D:20120820202226+00'00')
    		// - /ModDate (D:20120820202226+00'00')
    		// - /M (D:20120820202226+00'00')
    		// - /ID [ <0f5cc387dc28c0e13e682197f485fe65> <0f5cc387dc28c0e13e682197f485fe65> ]
    		$response = preg_replace('/\(D:[0-9]{14}/', '(D:19700101000000', $response);
    		$response = preg_replace('/\/ID \[ <.*> ]/', '', $response);
            file_put_contents($processedFilePath, $response);
            $expected = $this->loadExpectedFile($expectedFilePath);
            if (empty($expected)) {
            // @todo This should not vary between systems AFAIK... "idsubdatatable can differ"
            $expected = $this->removeXmlElement($expected, 'idsubdatatable', $testNotSmallAfter = false);
            $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, 'idsubdatatable', $testNotSmallAfter = false);
            if ($isLiveMustDeleteDates) {
                $expected = $this->removeAllLiveDatesFromXml($expected);
            } // If date=lastN the <prettyDate> element will change each day, we remove XML element before comparison
            elseif (strpos($dateTime, 'last') !== false
                || strpos($dateTime, 'today') !== false
                || strpos($dateTime, 'now') !== false
            ) {
                if (strpos($requestUrl, 'API.getProcessedReport') !== false) {
                    $expected = $this->removePrettyDateFromXml($expected);
                    $response = $this->removePrettyDateFromXml($response);
                // avoid build failure when running just before midnight, generating visits in the future
                $expected = $this->removeXmlElement($expected, 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors');
                $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors');
                $expected = $this->removeXmlElement($expected, 'nb_visits_converted');
                $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, 'nb_visits_converted');
                 if (strpos($requestUrl, 'date=') !== false)
                	$regex = "/date=[-0-9,%Ca-z]+/"; // need to remove %2C which is encoded ,
                	$expected = preg_replace($regex, 'date=', $expected);
                	$response = preg_replace($regex, 'date=', $response);
            // if idSubtable is in request URL, make sure idSubtable values are not in any urls
            if (strpos($requestUrl, 'idSubtable=') !== false)
            	$regex = "/idSubtable=[0-9]+/";
            	$expected = preg_replace($regex, 'idSubtable=', $expected);
            	$response = preg_replace($regex, 'idSubtable=', $response);
            // is there a better way to test for the current DB type in use?
            if (Zend_Registry::get('db') instanceof Piwik_Db_Adapter_Mysqli) {
                // Do not test for TRUNCATE(SUM()) returning .00 on mysqli since this is not working
                $expected = str_replace('.00</revenue>', '</revenue>', $expected);
                $response = str_replace('.00</revenue>', '</revenue>', $response);
                $expected = str_replace('.1</revenue>', '</revenue>', $expected);
                $expected = str_replace('.11</revenue>', '</revenue>', $expected);
                $response = str_replace('.11</revenue>', '</revenue>', $response);
                $response = str_replace('.1</revenue>', '</revenue>', $response);
            if (strpos($requestUrl, 'format=xml') !== false) {
                $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $response, "Differences with expected in: $processedFilePath");
                $this->assertEquals(strlen($expected), strlen($response), "Differences with expected in: $processedFilePath");
                $this->assertEquals($expected, $response, "Differences with expected in: $processedFilePath");
            if (trim($response) == trim($expected)) {
                file_put_contents($processedFilePath, $response);
        protected function removeAllLiveDatesFromXml($input)
            $toRemove = array(
            foreach($toRemove as $xml) {
                $input = $this->removeXmlElement($input, $xml);
            return $input;
        protected function removePrettyDateFromXml($input)
            return $this->removeXmlElement($input, 'prettyDate');
        protected function removeXmlElement($input, $xmlElement, $testNotSmallAfter = true)
        	// Only raise error if there was some data before
        	$testNotSmallAfter = strlen($input > 100 ) && $testNotSmallAfter;
            $input = preg_replace('/(<'.$xmlElement.'>.+?<\/'.$xmlElement.'>)/', '', $input);
            //check we didn't delete the whole string
                $this->assertTrue(strlen($input) > 100);
            return $input;
        private function getProcessedAndExpectedDirs()
            $path = $this->getPathToTestDirectory();
            return array($path . '/processed/', $path . '/expected/');
        private function getProcessedAndExpectedPaths($testName, $testId, $format = null)
            $filename = $testName . '__' . $testId;
            if ($format)
                $filename .= ".$format";
            list($processedDir, $expectedDir) = $this->getProcessedAndExpectedDirs();
            return array($processedDir . $filename, $expectedDir . $filename);
        private function loadExpectedFile($filePath)
            $result = @file_get_contents($filePath);
                $expectedDir = dirname($filePath);
                $this->markTestIncomplete(" ERROR: Could not find expected API output '$filePath'. For new tests, to pass the test, you can copy files from the processed/ directory into $expectedDir  after checking that the output is valid. %s ");
                return null;
            return $result;
         * Returns an array describing the API methods to call & compare with
         * expected output.
         * The returned array must be of the following format:
         * <code>
         * array(
         *     array('SomeAPI.method', array('testOption1' => 'value1', 'testOption2' => 'value2'),
         *     array(array('SomeAPI.method', 'SomeOtherAPI.method'), array(...)),
         *     .
         *     .
         *     .
         * )
         * </code>
         * Valid test options:
         * <ul>
         *   <li><b>testSuffix</b> The suffix added to the test name. Helps determine
         *   the filename of the expected output.</li>
         *   <li><b>format</b> The desired format of the output. Defaults to 'xml'.</li>
         *   <li><b>idSite</b> The id of the website to get data for.</li>
         *   <li><b>date</b> The date to get data for.</li>
         *   <li><b>periods</b> The period or periods to get data for. Can be an array.</li>
         *   <li><b>setDateLastN</b> Flag describing whether to query for a set of
         *   dates or not.</li>
         *   <li><b>language</b> The language to use.</li>
         *   <li><b>segment</b> The segment to use.</li>
         *   <li><b>visitorId</b> The visitor ID to use.</li>
         *   <li><b>abandonedCarts</b> Whether to look for abandoned carts or not.</li>
         *   <li><b>idGoal</b> The goal ID to use.</li>
         *   <li><b>apiModule</b> The value to use in the apiModule request parameter.</li>
         *   <li><b>apiAction</b> The value to use in the apiAction request parameter.</li>
         *   <li><b>otherRequestParameters</b> An array of extra request parameters to use.</li>
         *   <li><b>disableArchiving</b> Disable archiving before running tests.</li>
         * </ul>
         * All test options are optional, except 'idSite' & 'date'.
        public function getApiForTesting() {
            return array();
         * Gets the string prefix used in the name of the expected/processed output files.
        public function getOutputPrefix()
            return str_replace('Test_Piwik_Integration_', '', get_class($this));
        protected function _setCallableApi($api)
         * Runs API tests.
        protected function runApiTests($api, $params)
            $testName = 'test_' . $this->getOutputPrefix();
            if (isset($params['disableArchiving']) && $params['disableArchiving'] === true)
                Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::$forceDisableArchiving = true;
                Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::$forceDisableArchiving = false;
            if (isset($params['language']))
            $testSuffix = isset($params['testSuffix']) ? $params['testSuffix'] : '';
            $requestUrls = $this->_generateApiUrls(
                        isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : 'xml',
                        isset($params['idSite']) ? $params['idSite'] : false,
                        isset($params['date']) ? $params['date'] : false,
                        isset($params['periods']) ? $params['periods'] : false,
                        isset($params['setDateLastN']) ? $params['setDateLastN'] : false,
                        isset($params['language']) ? $params['language'] : false,
                        isset($params['segment']) ? $params['segment'] : false,
                        isset($params['visitorId']) ? $params['visitorId'] : false,
                        isset($params['abandonedCarts']) ? $params['abandonedCarts'] : false,
                        isset($params['idGoal']) ? $params['idGoal'] : false,
                        isset($params['apiModule']) ? $params['apiModule'] : false,
                        isset($params['apiAction']) ? $params['apiAction'] : false,
                        isset($params['otherRequestParameters']) ? $params['otherRequestParameters'] : array(),
    JulienMoumne's avatar
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                        isset($params['supertableApi']) ? $params['supertableApi'] : false,
                        isset($params['fileExtension']) ? $params['fileExtension'] : false);
            foreach($requestUrls as $apiId => $requestUrl)
                $this->_testApiUrl( $testName . $testSuffix, $apiId, $requestUrl);
            // change the language back to en
            if ($this->lastLanguage != 'en')
         * changing the language within one request is a bit fancy
         * in order to keep the core clean, we need a little hack here