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RowEvolutionTest.php 6,67 ko
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  • <?php
     * Piwik - Open source web analytics
     * @link
     * @license GPL v3 or later
     * @version $Id$
     * Tests the method API.getRowEvolution
    class Test_Piwik_Integration_RowEvolution extends IntegrationTestCase
        protected static $today = '2010-03-06 11:22:33';
        protected static $idSite = 1;
        protected static $keywords = array(
            'free > proprietary', // BUG! testing a keyword containing >
            'peace "," not war', // testing a keyword containing ,
            'justice )(&^#%$ NOT corruption!',
        public static function setUpBeforeClass()
            try {
            } catch(Exception $e) {
                // Skip whole test suite if an error occurs while setup
                throw new PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());
         * @dataProvider getApiForTesting
         * @group        Integration
         * @group        RowEvolution
        public function testApi($api, $params)
            $this->runApiTests($api, $params);
        public function getApiForTesting()
            $return = array();
            $config = array(
                'testSuffix'             => '_referrer1',
                'idSite'                 => self::$idSite,
                'date'                   => self::$today,
                'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                    'date'      => '2010-02-06,2010-03-06',
                    'period'    => 'day',
                    'apiModule' => 'Referers',
                    'apiAction' => 'getWebsites',
                    'label'     => '',
                    'expanded'  => 0
            $return[] = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Websites, hierarchical
            $config['testSuffix']                      = '_referrer2';
            $referrerLabel                             = urlencode('') . '>' . urlencode('theReferrerPage1.html');
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label'] = $referrerLabel;
            $return[]                                  = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Websites, multiple labels including one hierarchical
            $config['testSuffix']                      = '_referrerMulti1';
            $referrerLabel                             = urlencode($referrerLabel) . ',' . urlencode('');
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label'] = $referrerLabel;
            $return[]                                  = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Keywords, label containing > and ,
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiAction'] = 'getKeywords';
            $config['testSuffix']                          = '_LabelReservedCharacters';
            $keywords                                      = urlencode(self::$keywords[0]) . ',' . urlencode(self::$keywords[1]);
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label']     = $keywords;
            $return[]                                      = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Keywords, hierarchical
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiAction'] = 'getSearchEngines';
            $config['testSuffix']                          = '_LabelReservedCharactersHierarchical';
            $keywords                                      = "Google>" . urlencode(strtolower(self::$keywords[0]))
                . ',Google>' . urlencode(strtolower(self::$keywords[1]))
                . ',Google>' . urlencode(strtolower(self::$keywords[2]));
            // Test multiple labels search engines, Google should also have a 'logo' entry
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label'] = $keywords . ",Google";
            $return[]                                  = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Actions > Pages titles, standard label
            $config['testSuffix']                          = '_pageTitles';
            $config['periods']                             = array('day', 'week');
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiModule'] = 'Actions';
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiAction'] = 'getPageTitles';
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label']     = 'incredible title 0';
            $return[]                                      = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Actions > Page titles, multiple labels
            $config['testSuffix']                      = '_pageTitlesMulti';
            $label                                     = urlencode('incredible title 0') . ',' . urlencode('incredible title 2');
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label'] = $label;
            $return[]                                  = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            // Actions > Page URLS, hierarchical label
            $config['testSuffix']                          = '_pageUrls';
            $config['periods']                             = array('range');
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['date']      = '2010-03-01,2010-03-06';
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiModule'] = 'Actions';
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['apiAction'] = 'getPageUrls';
            $config['otherRequestParameters']['label']     = 'my>dir>' . urlencode('/page3?foo=bar&baz=bar');
            $return[]                                      = array('API.getRowEvolution', $config);
            return $return;
        public function getOutputPrefix()
            return 'RowEvolution';
        protected static function setUpWebsitesAndGoals()
            self::createWebsite('2010-02-01 11:22:33');
        protected static function trackVisits()
            $dateTime = self::$today;
            $idSite   = self::$idSite;
            for ($daysIntoPast = 30; $daysIntoPast >= 0; $daysIntoPast--) {
                // Visit 1: referrer website + test page views
                $visitDateTime = Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->subDay($daysIntoPast)->getDatetime();
                $t             = self::getTracker($idSite, $visitDateTime, $defaultInit = true);
                $t->setUrlReferrer('http://www.referrer' . ($daysIntoPast % 5) . '.com/theReferrerPage' . ($daysIntoPast % 2) . '.html');
                $t->setUrl('' . ($daysIntoPast % 4) . '?foo=bar&baz=bar');
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title ' . ($daysIntoPast % 3)));
                // VISIT 2: search engine
                $t->setUrlReferrer('' . urlencode(self::$keywords[$daysIntoPast % 3]));
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('not an incredible title '));