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EcommerceOrderWithItemsTest.php 22,2 ko
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     * Piwik - Open source web analytics
     * @link
     * @license GPL v3 or later
     * Tests API methods after ecommerce orders are tracked.
    class Test_Piwik_Integration_EcommerceOrderWithItems extends IntegrationTestCase
        protected static $dateTime       = '2011-04-05 00:11:42';
        protected static $idSite         = 1;
        protected static $idGoalStandard = 1;
        public static function setUpBeforeClass()
            try {
            } catch(Exception $e) {
                // Skip whole test suite if an error occurs while setup
                throw new PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());
    	 * @group        Integration
    	 * @group        EcommerceOrderWithItems
    	public function testImagesIncludedInTests()
         * @dataProvider getApiForTesting
         * @group        Integration
         * @group        EcommerceOrderWithItems
        public function testApi($api, $params)
            $this->runApiTests($api, $params);
        public function getApiForTesting()
            $dayApi = array('VisitsSummary.get', 'VisitTime', 'CustomVariables.getCustomVariables',
                            'Live.getLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry', 'API.getProcessedReport', 'Goals.get',
                            'Goals.getConversions', 'Goals.getItemsSku', 'Goals.getItemsName', 'Goals.getItemsCategory');
            $goalWeekApi = array('Goals.get', 'Goals.getItemsSku', 'Goals.getItemsName', 'Goals.getItemsCategory');
            $goalItemApi = array('Goals.getItemsSku', 'Goals.getItemsName', 'Goals.getItemsCategory');
            $processedReportApi = array('API.getProcessedReport');
            // Normal standard goal
            return array_merge(array(
                // day tests
                array($dayApi, array('idSite' => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime, 'periods' => array('day'), 'otherRequestParameters' => array('_leavePiwikCoreVariables' => 1))),
                // goals API week tests
                array($goalWeekApi, array('idSite' => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime, 'periods' => array('week'))),
                // abandoned carts tests
                array($goalItemApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                          'periods'    => array('day', 'week'), 'abandonedCarts' => 1,
                                          'testSuffix' => '_AbandonedCarts')),
                // multiple periods tests
                array($goalItemApi, array('idSite'       => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime, 'periods' => array('day'),
                                          'setDateLastN' => true, 'testSuffix' => 'multipleDates')),
                // multiple periods & multiple websites tests
                array($goalItemApi, array('idSite'     => sprintf("%u,%u", self::$idSite, self::$idSite2), 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                          'periods'    => array('day'), 'setDateLastN' => true,
                                          'testSuffix' => 'multipleDates_andMultipleWebsites')),
                // test metadata products
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'    => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'   => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals',
                                                 'apiAction' => 'getItemsSku', 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_ItemsSku')),
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'    => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'   => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals',
                                                 'apiAction' => 'getItemsCategory', 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_ItemsCategory')),
                // test metadata Goals.get for Ecommerce orders & Carts
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals', 'apiAction' => 'get',
                                                 'idGoal'     => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER,
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_Goals.Get_Order')),
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals', 'apiAction' => 'get',
                                                 'idGoal'     => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART,
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_Goals.Get_AbandonedCart')),
                // normal standard goal test
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals', 'apiAction' => 'get',
                                                 'idGoal'     => self::$idGoalStandard,
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_Goals.Get_NormalGoal')),
                // non-existant goal test
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'Goals', 'apiAction' => 'get',
                                                 'idGoal'     => 'FAKE IDGOAL',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_Goals.Get_NotExistingGoal')),
                // While we're at it, test for a standard Metadata report with zero entries
                array($processedReportApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'apiModule' => 'VisitTime',
                                                 'apiAction'  => 'getVisitInformationPerServerTime',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_Metadata_VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerServerTime')),
                // Standard non metadata Goals.get
                // test Goals.get with idGoal=ecommerceOrder and ecommerceAbandonedCart
                array('Goals.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                         'periods'    => array('day', 'week'), 'idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART,
                                         'testSuffix' => '_GoalAbandonedCart')),
                array('Goals.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                         'periods'    => array('day', 'week'), 'idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER,
                                         'testSuffix' => '_GoalOrder')),
                array('Goals.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                         'periods' => array('day', 'week'), 'idGoal' => 1, 'testSuffix' => '_GoalMatchTitle')),
                array('Goals.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                         'periods' => array('day', 'week'), 'idGoal' => '', 'testSuffix' => '_GoalOverall')),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'segment' => 'visitEcommerceStatus==none',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentNoEcommerce')),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods' => array('day'), 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentOrderedSomething',
                                                 'segment' => 'visitEcommerceStatus==ordered,visitEcommerceStatus==orderedThenAbandonedCart')),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods' => array('day'), 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentAbandonedCart',
                                                 'segment' => 'visitEcommerceStatus==abandonedCart,visitEcommerceStatus==orderedThenAbandonedCart')),
                // test segment visitConvertedGoalId
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods' => array('day', 'week'), 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentConvertedGoalId1',
                                                 'segment' => "visitConvertedGoalId==".self::$idGoalStandard)),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods' => array('day'), 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentDidNotConvertGoalId1',
                                                 'segment' => "visitConvertedGoalId!=".self::$idGoalStandard)),
                // test segment visitorType
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('week'), 'segment' => 'visitorType==new',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentNewVisitors')),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('week'), 'segment' => 'visitorType==returning',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentReturningVisitors')),
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('week'), 'segment' => 'visitorType==returningCustomer',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentReturningCustomers')),
                // test segment pageTitle
                array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite'     => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime,
                                                 'periods'    => array('day'), 'segment' => 'pageTitle==incredible title!',
                                                 'testSuffix' => '_SegmentPageTitleMatch')),
                // test Live! output is OK also for the visit that just bought something (other visits leave an abandoned cart)
                array('Live.getLastVisitsDetails', array('idSite'  => self::$idSite,
                                                         'date'    => Piwik_Date::factory(self::$dateTime)->addHour(30.65)->getDatetime(),
                                                         'periods' => array('day'), 'testSuffix' => '_LiveEcommerceStatusOrdered')),
                // test API.get method
                array('API.get', array('idSite'                 => self::$idSite, 'date' => self::$dateTime, 'periods' => array('day', 'week'),
                                       'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                           'columns' => 'nb_pageviews,nb_visits,avg_time_on_site,nb_visits_converted'),
                                       'testSuffix'             => '_API_get')),
                // Website2
                array($goalWeekApi, array('idSite'     => self::$idSite2, 'date' => self::$dateTime, 'periods' => array('week'),
                                          'testSuffix' => '_Website2')),
    			), self::getApiForTestingScheduledReports(self::$dateTime, 'week'));
        public function getOutputPrefix()
            return 'ecommerceOrderWithItems';
        public static function setUpWebsitesAndGoals()
            self::createWebsite(self::$dateTime, $ecommerce = 1);
            Piwik_Goals_API::getInstance()->addGoal(self::$idSite, 'title match, triggered ONCE', 'title', 'incredible', 'contains', $caseSensitive = false, $revenue = 10, $allowMultipleConversions = true);
        protected static function trackVisits()
            $dateTime = self::$dateTime;
            $idSite   = self::$idSite;
            $idSite2  = self::$idSite2;
            $t = self::getTracker($idSite, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);
            // VISIT NO 1
            $category = 'Electronics & Cameras';
            $price    = 1111.11111;
            // VIEW product page
            $t->setEcommerceView('SKU2', 'PRODUCT name', $category, $price);
            $t->setCustomVariable(5, 'VisitorType', 'NewLoggedOut', 'visit');
            $t->setCustomVariable(4, 'ValueIsZero', '0', 'visit');
    sgiehl's avatar
    sgiehl a validé
            self::assertEquals(array('_pks', 'SKU2'), $t->getCustomVariable(3, 'page'));
            self::assertEquals(array('_pkn', 'PRODUCT name'), $t->getCustomVariable(4, 'page'));
            self::assertEquals(array('_pkc', $category), $t->getCustomVariable(5, 'page'));
            self::assertEquals(array('_pkp', $price), $t->getCustomVariable(2, 'page'));
            self::assertEquals(array('VisitorType', 'NewLoggedOut'), $t->getCustomVariable(5, 'visit'));
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!'));
            $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $category, $price = 666);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Another Product page'));
            // Note: here testing to pass a timestamp to the tracking API rather than the datetime string
            $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', '');
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Another Product page with no category'));
            $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $categories = array('Multiple Category 1', '', 0, 'Multiple Category 2', 'Electronics & Cameras', 'Multiple Category 4', 'Multiple Category 5', 'SHOULD NOT BE REPORTEDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttuuuu!'));
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Another Product page with multiple categories'));
            // VISIT NO 2
            // Fake the returning visit cookie
            // VIEW category page
            $t->setEcommerceView('', '', $category);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Looking at ' . $category . ' page with a page level custom variable'));
            // VIEW category page again
            $t->setEcommerceView('', '', $category);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Looking at ' . $category . ' page again'));
            // VIEW product page
            $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 666);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Looking at product page'));
            // ADD TO CART
            $t->setCustomVariable(3, 'VisitorName', 'Great name!', 'visit');
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 500, $quantity = 1);
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 500, $quantity = 2);
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU WILL BE DELETED', $name = 'BLABLA DELETED', $category = '', $price = 5000000, $quantity = 20);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal = 1000));
            // ORDER NO 1
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', $categories, $price = 500, $quantity = 2);
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'ANOTHER SKU HERE', $name = 'PRODUCT name BIS', $category = '', $price = 100, $quantity = 6);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '937nsjusu 3894', $grandTotal = 1111.11, $subTotal = 1000, $tax = 111, $shipping = 0.11, $discount = 666));
            // ORDER NO 2
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU2', $name = 'Canon SLR', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 1500, $quantity = 1);
            // Product bought with empty category
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT name', '', $price = 11.22, $quantity = 1);
            // test to delete all custom vars, they should be copied from visits
            // This is a frequent use case: ecommerce shops tracking the order from backoffice
            // without passing the custom variable 1st party cookie along since it's not known by back office
            $visitorCustomVarSave = $t->visitorCustomVar;
            $t->visitorCustomVar  = false;
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '1037nsjusu4s3894', $grandTotal = 2000, $subTotal = 1500, $tax = 400, $shipping = 100, $discount = 0));
            $t->visitorCustomVar = $visitorCustomVarSave;
            // ORDER SHOULD DEDUPE
            // Refresh the page with the receipt for the second order, should be ignored
            // we test that both the order, and the products, are not updated on subsequent "Receipt" views
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU2', $name = 'Canon SLR NOT!', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras NOT!', $price = 15000000000, $quantity = 10000);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '1037nsjusu4s3894', $grandTotal = 20000000, $subTotal = 1500, $tax = 400, $shipping = 100, $discount = 0));
            // Leave with an opened cart
            // No category
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU IN ABANDONED CART ONE', $name = 'PRODUCT ONE LEFT in cart', $category = '', $price = 500.11111112, $quantity = 2);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal = 1000));
            // Record the same visit leaving twice an abandoned cart
            foreach (array(0, 5, 24) as $offsetHour) {
                $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->addHour($offsetHour + 2.4)->getDatetime());
                // Also recording an order the day after
                if ($offsetHour >= 24) {
                    $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU2', $name = 'Canon SLR', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 1500, $quantity = 1);
                    self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '1037nsjusu4s3894', $grandTotal = 20000000, $subTotal = 1500, $tax = 400, $shipping = 100, $discount = 0));
                // VIEW PRODUCT PAGES
                $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->addHour($offsetHour + 2.5)->getDatetime());
                $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart', $category = '', $price = 999);
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView("View product left in cart"));
                $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->addHour($offsetHour + 2.55)->getDatetime());
                $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart', $category = '', $price = 333);
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView("View product left in cart"));
                $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->addHour($offsetHour + 2.6)->getDatetime());
                $t->setEcommerceView($sku = 'SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO', $name = 'PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart', $category = 'Category TWO LEFT in cart');
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView("View product left in cart"));
                // ABANDONED CART
                $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Piwik_Date::factory($dateTime)->addHour($offsetHour + 2.7)->getDatetime());
                $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU IN ABANDONED CART ONE', $name = 'PRODUCT ONE LEFT in cart', $category = '', $price = 500.11111112, $quantity = 1);
                $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO', $name = 'PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart', $category = 'Category TWO LEFT in cart', $price = 1000, $quantity = 2);
                $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'SKU VERY nice indeed', $name = 'PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart', $category = 'Electronics & Cameras', $price = 10, $quantity = 1);
                self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal = 2510.11111112));
            // One more Ecommerce order to check weekly archiving works fine on orders
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'TRIPOD SKU', $name = 'TRIPOD - bought day after', $category = 'Tools', $price = 100, $quantity = 2);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '666', $grandTotal = 240, $subTotal = 200, $tax = 20, $shipping = 20, $discount = 20));
            // One more Ecommerce order, without any product in it, because we still track orders without products
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '777', $grandTotal = 10000));
            // testing the same order in a different website should record
            $t = self::getTracker($idSite2, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);
            $t->addEcommerceItem($sku = 'TRIPOD SKU', $name = 'TRIPOD - bought day after', $category = 'Tools', $price = 100, $quantity = 2);
            self::checkResponse($t->doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId = '777', $grandTotal = 250));
            //------------------------------------- End tracking