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 * Piwik - Open source web analytics
 * @link
 * @license GPL v3 or later
    $label = str_replace(" ", "_", $label);
    $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images/brand/' . $label . '.ico';
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        return 'plugins/DevicesDetection/images/brand/' . $label . '.ico';
    } else {
        return 'plugins/DevicesDetection/images/brand/Unknown.ico';
function getBrowserFamilyFullNameExtended($label)
    foreach (DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies as $name => $family) {
        if (in_array($label, $family)) {
            return $name;
    return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
function getBrowserFamilyLogoExtended($label)
    if (array_key_exists($label, DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies)) {
        return getBrowserLogoExtended(DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies[$label][0]);
    return getBrowserLogoExtended($label);
function getBrowserNameExtended($label)
    $short = substr($label, 0, 2);
    $ver = substr($label, 3, 10);
    if (array_key_exists($short, DeviceDetector::$browsers)) {
        return trim(ucfirst(DeviceDetector::$browsers[$short]) . ' ' . $ver);
        return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
 * Returns the path to the logo for the given browser
 * First try to find a logo for the given short code
 * If none can be found try to find a logo for the browser family
 * Return unkown logo otherwise
 * @param string  $short  Shortcode or name of browser
 * @return string  path to image
function getBrowserLogoExtended($short)
    $path = 'plugins/UserSettings/images/browsers/%s.gif';

    // If name is given instead of short code, try to find matching shortcode
    if (strlen($short) > 2) {

        if (in_array($short, DeviceDetector::$browsers)) {
            $flippedBrowsers = array_flip(DeviceDetector::$browsers);
            $short = $flippedBrowsers[$short];
        } else {
            $short = substr($short, 0, 2);
    $family = getBrowserFamilyFullNameExtended($short);
    if (array_key_exists($short, DeviceDetector::$browsers) && file_exists(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH.'/'.sprintf($path, $short))) {
    } elseif (array_key_exists($family, DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies) && file_exists(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH.'/'.sprintf($path, DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies[$family][0]))) {
        return sprintf($path, DeviceDetector::$browserFamilies[$family][0]);
function getDeviceBrandLabel($label)
    if (array_key_exists($label, DeviceDetector::$deviceBrands)) {
        return ucfirst(DeviceDetector::$deviceBrands[$label]);
        return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
    $translations = array(
        'desktop'       => 'General_Desktop',
        'smartphone'    => 'DevicesDetection_Smartphone',
        'tablet'        => 'DevicesDetection_Tablet',
        'feature phone' => 'DevicesDetection_FeaturePhone',
        'console'       => 'DevicesDetection_Console',
        'tv'            => 'DevicesDetection_TV',
        'car browser'   => 'DevicesDetection_CarBbrowser',
        'smart display' => 'DevicesDetection_SmartDisplay',
        'camera'        => 'DevicesDetection_Camera'
    if (isset(DeviceDetector::$deviceTypes[$label]) && isset($translations[DeviceDetector::$deviceTypes[$label]])) {
        return Piwik::translate($translations[DeviceDetector::$deviceTypes[$label]]);
    } else if (isset($translations[$label])) {
        return Piwik::translate($translations[$label]);
        return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
    if (is_numeric($label) && isset(DeviceDetector::$deviceTypes[$label])) {
        $label = DeviceDetector::$deviceTypes[$label];
        "desktop"       => "normal.gif",
        "smartphone"    => "smartphone.png",
        "tablet"        => "tablet.png",
        "tv"            => "tv.png",
        "feature phone" => "mobile.gif",
        "console"       => "console.gif",
        "car browser"   => "carbrowser.png",
        "camera"        => "camera.png");
sgiehl's avatar
sgiehl a validé
    if (!array_key_exists($label, $deviceTypeLogos)) {
        $label = 'unknown.gif';
    } else {
        $label = $deviceTypeLogos[$label];
    $path = 'plugins/DevicesDetection/images/screens/' . $label;
    return $path;

mattab's avatar
mattab a validé
    if (!$label) {
        return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
mattab's avatar
mattab a validé
    return $label;
function getOSFamilyFullNameExtended($label)
    $label = DeviceDetector::getOsFamily($label);
mattab's avatar
mattab a validé
    if($label !== false) {
        return $label;
    return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
function getOsFamilyLogoExtended($label)
    if (array_key_exists($label, DeviceDetector::$osFamilies)) {
        return getOsLogoExtended(DeviceDetector::$osFamilies[$label][0]);
function getOsFullNameExtended($label)
mattab's avatar
mattab a validé
    if (!empty($label) && $label != ";") {
        $os = substr($label, 0, 3);
        $ver = substr($label, 4, 15);
        $name = DeviceDetector::getOsNameFromId($os, $ver);
        if (!empty($name)) {
mattab's avatar
mattab a validé
            return $name;
    return Piwik::translate('General_Unknown');
 * Returns the path to the logo for the given OS
 * First try to find a logo for the given short code
 * If none can be found try to find a logo for the os family
 * Return unkown logo otherwise
 * @param string  $short  Shortcode or name of OS
 * @return string  path to image
function getOsLogoExtended($short)
    $path = 'plugins/UserSettings/images/os/%s.gif';

    // If name is given instead of short code, try to find matching shortcode
    if (strlen($short) > 3) {

        if (array_key_exists($short, DeviceDetector::$osShorts)) {
            $short = DeviceDetector::$osShorts[$short];
        } else {
            $short = substr($short, 0, 3);

    $family = getOsFamilyFullNameExtended($short);

    if (in_array($short, DeviceDetector::$osShorts) && file_exists(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH.'/'.sprintf($path, $short))) {
    } elseif (array_key_exists($family, DeviceDetector::$osFamilies) && file_exists(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH.'/'.sprintf($path, DeviceDetector::$osFamilies[$family][0]))) {
        return sprintf($path, DeviceDetector::$osFamilies[$family][0]);