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NoVisitTest.php 4,27 ko
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 * Piwik - Open source web analytics
 * @link
 * @license GPL v3 or later
 * @version $Id$

 * testing various wrong Tracker requests and check that they behave as expected:
 * not throwing errors and not recording data.
 * API will archive and output empty stats.
class Test_Piwik_Integration_NoVisit extends IntegrationTestCase
    protected static $idSite   = 1;
    protected static $dateTime = '2009-01-04 00:11:42';
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     * @dataProvider getApiForTesting
     * @group        Integration
     * @group        NoVisits
    public function testApi($api, $params)
        $this->runApiTests($api, $params);

    public function getApiForTesting()
        // this will output empty XML result sets as no visit was tracked
        return array(
            array('all', array('idSite'       => self::$idSite,
                               'date'         => self::$dateTime)),
            array('all', array('idSite'       => self::$idSite,
                               'date'         => self::$dateTime,
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                               'periods'      => array('day', 'week'),
                               'setDateLastN' => true,
                               'testSuffix'   => '_PeriodIsLast')),

    public function getOutputPrefix()
        return 'noVisit';

    public function setUpWebsitesAndGoals()
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    protected function trackVisits()
        $dateTime = self::$dateTime;
        $idSite   = self::$idSite;
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           // Trigger invalid website
           $trackerInvalidWebsite = $this->getTracker($idSiteFake = 0, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);
           $response = Piwik_Http::fetchRemoteFile($trackerInvalidWebsite->getUrlTrackPageView());
           $this->assertTrue(strpos($response, 'Invalid idSite') !== false, 'invalid website ID');

           // Trigger wrong website
           $trackerWrongWebsite = $this->getTracker($idSiteFake = 33, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);
           $response = Piwik_Http::fetchRemoteFile($trackerWrongWebsite->getUrlTrackPageView());
           $this->assertTrue(strpos($response, 'The requested website id = 33 couldn\'t be found') !== false, 'non-existent website ID');

        // Trigger empty request
        $trackerUrl = $this->getTrackerUrl();
        $response   = Piwik_Http::fetchRemoteFile($trackerUrl);
        $this->assertTrue(strpos($response, 'web analytics') !== false, 'Piwik empty request response not correct: ' . $response);

        $t = $this->getTracker($idSite, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);

        // test GoogleBot UA visitor
        $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +');
        $this->checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('bot visit, please do not record'));

        // Test IP Exclusion works with or without IP exclusion
        foreach (array(false, true) as $enable) {
            // Enable IP Anonymization
            $t->DEBUG_APPEND_URL = '&forceIpAnonymization=' . (int)$enable;

            // test with excluded IP
            $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'); // restore normal user agent
            $excludedIp = '';
            Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->updateSite($idSite, 'new site name', $url = array(''), $ecommerce = 0, $excludedIp . ',');
            $this->checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from IP excluded'));

            // test with global list of excluded IPs
            $excludedIpBis = '';
            $this->checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from IP globally excluded'));

        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {

        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
