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IntegrationTestCase.php 20,1 ko
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    use Exception;
    use Piwik\API\DocumentationGenerator;
    use Piwik\API\Proxy;
    use Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveTableCreator;
    mattab's avatar
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    use Piwik\DbHelper;
    use Piwik\Tests\Impl\TestRequestCollection;
    use Piwik\Tests\Impl\TestRequestResponse;
    use Piwik\Tests\Impl\ApiTestConfig;
    require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/libs/PiwikTracker/PiwikTracker.php';
     * Base class for Integration tests.
     * Provides helpers to track data and then call API get* methods to check outputs automatically.
    abstract class IntegrationTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
         * Identifies the last language used in an API/Controller call.
         * @var string
        protected $lastLanguage;
        protected $missingExpectedFiles = array();
        protected $comparisonFailures = array();
        public static function setUpBeforeClass()
            if (!isset(static::$fixture)) {
                $fixture = new Fixture();
            } else {
                $fixture = static::$fixture;
            $fixture->testCaseClass = get_called_class();
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                static::fail("Failed to setup fixture: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
        public static function tearDownAfterClass()
            if (!isset(static::$fixture)) {
                $fixture = new Fixture();
            } else {
                $fixture = static::$fixture;
         * Returns true if continuous integration running this request
         * Useful to exclude tests which may fail only on this setup
        public static function isTravisCI()
            $travis = getenv('TRAVIS');
            return !empty($travis);
        public static function isPhpVersion53()
            return strpos(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') === 0;
        public static function isMysqli()
            return getenv('MYSQL_ADAPTER') == 'MYSQLI';
        protected function alertWhenImagesExcludedFromTests()
            if (!Fixture::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports()) {
    mattab's avatar
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                    'Scheduled reports generated during integration tests will not contain the image graphs. ' .
                        'For tests to generate images, use a machine with the following specifications : ' .
                        'OS = '.Fixture::IMAGES_GENERATED_ONLY_FOR_OS.', PHP = '.Fixture::IMAGES_GENERATED_FOR_PHP .
                        ' and GD = ' . Fixture::IMAGES_GENERATED_FOR_GD
         * Return 4 Api Urls for testing scheduled reports :
         * - one in HTML format with all available reports
         * - one in PDF format with all available reports
         * - two in SMS (one for each available report: MultiSites.getOne & MultiSites.getAll)
         * @param string $dateTime eg '2010-01-01 12:34:56'
         * @param string $period eg 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
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         * @return array
        protected static function getApiForTestingScheduledReports($dateTime, $period)
            $apiCalls = array();
            // HTML Scheduled Report
    mattab's avatar
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                        'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_in_html_tables_only',
                        'date'                   => $dateTime,
                        'periods'                => array($period),
                        'format'                 => 'original',
                        'fileExtension'          => 'html',
                        'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                            'idReport'     => 1,
                            'reportFormat' => ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT,
                            'outputType'   => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
            // CSV Scheduled Report
                        'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_in_csv',
                        'date'                   => $dateTime,
                        'periods'                => array($period),
                        'format'                 => 'original',
                        'fileExtension'          => 'csv',
                        'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                            'idReport'     => 1,
                            'reportFormat' => ReportRenderer::CSV_FORMAT,
                            'outputType'   => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
            if (Fixture::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports()) {
                // PDF Scheduled Report
                // tests/PHPUnit/Integration/processed/test_ecommerceOrderWithItems_scheduled_report_in_pdf_tables_only__ScheduledReports.generateReport_week.original.pdf
                             'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_in_pdf_tables_only',
                             'date'                   => $dateTime,
                             'periods'                => array($period),
                             'format'                 => 'original',
                             'fileExtension'          => 'pdf',
                             'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                 'idReport'     => 1,
                                 'reportFormat' => ReportRenderer::PDF_FORMAT,
                                 'outputType'   => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
            // SMS Scheduled Report, one site
                         'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_via_sms_one_site',
                         'date'                   => $dateTime,
                         'periods'                => array($period),
                         'format'                 => 'original',
                         'fileExtension'          => 'sms.txt',
                         'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                             'idReport'   => 2,
                             'outputType' => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
            // SMS Scheduled Report, all sites
                         'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_via_sms_all_sites',
                         'date'                   => $dateTime,
                         'periods'                => array($period),
                         'format'                 => 'original',
                         'fileExtension'          => 'sms.txt',
                         'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                             'idReport'   => 3,
                             'outputType' => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
            if (Fixture::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports()) {
                // HTML Scheduled Report with images
                             'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_in_html_tables_and_graph',
                             'date'                   => $dateTime,
                             'periods'                => array($period),
                             'format'                 => 'original',
                             'fileExtension'          => 'html',
                             'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                 'idReport'     => 4,
                                 'reportFormat' => ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT,
                                 'outputType'   => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
                // mail report with one row evolution based png graph
                             'testSuffix'             => '_scheduled_report_in_html_row_evolution_graph',
                             'date'                   => $dateTime,
                             'periods'                => array($period),
                             'format'                 => 'original',
                             'fileExtension'          => 'html',
                             'otherRequestParameters' => array(
                                 'idReport'     => 5,
                                 'outputType'   => \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::OUTPUT_RETURN
        protected function _testApiUrl($testName, $apiId, $requestUrl, $compareAgainst, $xmlFieldsToRemove = array(), $params = array())
            list($processedFilePath, $expectedFilePath) =
                $this->getProcessedAndExpectedPaths($testName, $apiId, $format = null, $compareAgainst);
            $originalGET = $_GET;
            $_GET = $requestUrl;
            $processedResponse = TestRequestResponse::loadFromApi($params, $requestUrl);
            if (empty($compareAgainst)) {
            try {
                $expectedResponse = TestRequestResponse::loadFromFile($expectedFilePath, $params, $requestUrl);
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                $this->handleMissingExpectedFile($expectedFilePath, $processedResponse);
                TestRequestResponse::assertEquals($expectedResponse, $processedResponse, "Differences with expected in '$processedFilePath'");
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                $this->comparisonFailures[] = $ex;
        private function handleMissingExpectedFile($expectedFilePath, TestRequestResponse $processedResponse)
            $this->missingExpectedFiles[] = $expectedFilePath;
            print("The expected file is not found at '$expectedFilePath'. The Processed response was:");
        public static function assertApiResponseHasNoError($response)
            if(!is_string($response)) {
                $response = json_encode($response);
            self::assertTrue(stripos($response, 'error') === false, "error in $response");
            self::assertTrue(stripos($response, 'exception') === false, "exception in $response");
        protected static function getProcessedAndExpectedDirs()
            $path = static::getPathToTestDirectory();
            $processedPath = $path . '/processed/';
            if (!is_dir($processedPath)) {
                mkdir($processedPath, $mode = 0777, $recursive = true);
            if (!is_writable($processedPath)) {
                self::fail('To run the tests, you need to give write permissions to the following directory (create it if '
                          . 'it doesn\'t exist).<code><br/>mkdir ' . $processedPath . '<br/>chmod 777 ' . $processedPath
                          . '</code><br/>');
            return array($processedPath, $path . '/expected/');
        private function getProcessedAndExpectedPaths($testName, $testId, $format = null, $compareAgainst = false)
            $filenameSuffix = '__' . $testId;
            $processedFilename = $testName . $filenameSuffix;
            $expectedFilename = $compareAgainst ? ('test_' . $compareAgainst) : $testName;
            $expectedFilename .= $filenameSuffix;
            list($processedDir, $expectedDir) = static::getProcessedAndExpectedDirs();
            return array($processedDir . $processedFilename, $expectedDir . $expectedFilename);
         * Returns an array describing the API methods to call & compare with
         * expected output.
         * The returned array must be of the following format:
         * <code>
         * array(
         *     array('SomeAPI.method', array('testOption1' => 'value1', 'testOption2' => 'value2'),
         *     array(array('SomeAPI.method', 'SomeOtherAPI.method'), array(...)),
         *     .
         *     .
         *     .
         * )
         * </code>
         * Valid test options are described in the ApiTestConfig class docs.
         * All test options are optional, except 'idSite' & 'date'.
        public function getApiForTesting()
            return array();
         * Gets the string prefix used in the name of the expected/processed output files.
            $parts = explode("\\", get_called_class());
            $result = end($parts);
            $result = str_replace('Test_Piwik_Integration_', '', $result);
            return $result;
         * Assert that the response of an API method call is the same as the contents in an
         * expected file.
         * @param string $api ie, `"UserSettings.getBrowser"`
         * @param array $queryParams Query parameters to send to the API.
        public function assertApiResponseEqualsExpected($apiMethod, $queryParams)
            $this->runApiTests($apiMethod, array(
                'idSite' => $queryParams['idSite'],
                'date' => $queryParams['date'],
                'periods' => $queryParams['period'],
                'format' => isset($queryParams['format']) ? $queryParams['format'] : 'xml',
                'testSuffix' => '_' . $this->getName(), // TODO: instead of using a test suffix, the whole file name should just be the test method
                'otherRequestParameters' => $queryParams
         * Runs API tests.
        protected function runApiTests($api, $params)
            $testConfig = new ApiTestConfig($params);
            $testName = 'test_' . static::getOutputPrefix();
            $this->missingExpectedFiles = array();
            $this->comparisonFailures = array();
            if ($testConfig->disableArchiving) {
                Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
                Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 1;
                Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = false;
                Config::getInstance()->General['browser_archiving_disabled_enforce'] = 0;
            if ($testConfig->language) {
            $testRequests = new TestRequestCollection($api, $testConfig, $api);
            foreach ($testRequests->getRequestUrls() as $apiId => $requestUrl) {
                $this->_testApiUrl($testName . $testConfig->testSuffix, $apiId, $requestUrl, $testConfig->compareAgainst, $testConfig->xmlFieldsToRemove, $params);
            // change the language back to en
            if ($this->lastLanguage != 'en') {
            if (!empty($this->missingExpectedFiles)) {
                $expectedDir = dirname(reset($this->missingExpectedFiles));
                $this->fail(" ERROR: Could not find expected API output '"
                    . implode("', '", $this->missingExpectedFiles)
                    . "'. For new tests, to pass the test, you can copy files from the processed/ directory into"
                    . " $expectedDir  after checking that the output is valid. %s ");
            // Display as one error all sub-failures
            if (!empty($this->comparisonFailures)) {
                throw reset($this->comparisonFailures);
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            return count($this->comparisonFailures) == 0;
        private function printComparisonFailures()
            $messages = '';
            foreach ($this->comparisonFailures as $index => $failure) {
                $msg = $failure->getMessage();
                $msg = strtok($msg, "\n");
                $messages .= "\n#" . ($index + 1) . ": " . $msg;
            $messages .= " \n ";
         * changing the language within one request is a bit fancy
         * in order to keep the core clean, we need a little hack here
         * @param string $langId
        protected function changeLanguage($langId)
            if ($this->lastLanguage != $langId) {
         * Path where expected/processed output files are stored.
        public static function getPathToTestDirectory()
            return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Integration';
         * Returns an array associating table names w/ lists of row data.
         * @return array
        protected static function getDbTablesWithData()
            foreach (DbHelper::getTablesInstalled() as $tableName) {
                $result[$tableName] = Db::fetchAll("SELECT * FROM `$tableName`");
         * Truncates all tables then inserts the data in $tables into each
         * mapped table.
         * @param array $tables Array mapping table names with arrays of row data.
        protected static function restoreDbTables($tables)
            // truncate existing tables
            $existingTables = DbHelper::getTablesInstalled();
            foreach ($tables as $table => $rows) {
                // create table if it's an archive table
                if (strpos($table, 'archive_') !== false && !in_array($table, $existingTables)) {
                    $tableType = strpos($table, 'archive_numeric') !== false ? 'archive_numeric' : 'archive_blob';
    mattab's avatar
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                    $createSql = DbHelper::getTableCreateSql($tableType);
                    $createSql = str_replace(Common::prefixTable($tableType), $table, $createSql);
                foreach ($rows as $row) {
                    $values = array();
                    foreach ($row as $value) {
                        if (is_null($value)) {
                            $values[] = 'NULL';
                        } else if (is_numeric($value)) {
                            $values[] = $value;
                        } else if (!ctype_print($value)) {
                            $values[] = "x'" . bin2hex(substr($value, 1)) . "'";
                        } else {
                            $values[] = "?";
                            $bind[] = $value;
                    $rowsSql[] = "(" . implode(',', $values) . ")";
                $sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` VALUES " . implode(',', $rowsSql);
         * Drops all archive tables.
        public static function deleteArchiveTables()
            foreach (ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled() as $table) {
                Db::query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`");
            ArchiveTableCreator::refreshTableList($forceReload = true);